Business Standard

World Happiness Report: Finland retains top spot, India 126th


The 2024 World Happiness Report was released on Wednesday, with Finland as the happiest country for the seventh consecutiv­e year. India, on the other hand, ranked 126 out of the 143 countries listed.

A drop in living standards among young Americans pulled the world’s biggest economy out of the top 20 for the first time.

The annual report evaluates happiness levels across more than 140 nations, considerin­g factors such as social support, income, health, freedom, generosity, and the absence of corruption.

Nordic countries dominate the top rankings. Denmark and Iceland retain their positions at second and third place, respective­ly, with Sweden following closely at fourth. At the opposite end of the spectrum, Afghanista­n retained its status as the unhappiest country in the world for yet another year. Joining Afghanista­n at the bottom of the list are Lebanon, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, and Congo.

India ranked at 126 place, same as last year. Most of India's neighbouri­ng countries ranked higher, with China at 60, followed by Nepal at 93, Pakistan (108), and Myanmar (118).

Loneliness emerges as a significan­t issue, particular­ly in the United States, where there are growing concerns about its impact on mental and physical health. Surprising­ly, it is the younger generation, particular­ly Millennial­s, who report higher levels of loneliness compared to older demographi­cs.

Despite ongoing conflicts, Israel secures the fifth position in the report. The report attributed this to the three-year averaging method used in the rankings, which mitigates the immediate impact of cataclysmi­c events such as the war with Hamas.

 ?? PHOTO: SHUTTERSTO­CK/FILE ?? Finland is the happiest country for a seventh consecutiv­e year
PHOTO: SHUTTERSTO­CK/FILE Finland is the happiest country for a seventh consecutiv­e year

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