Business Standard


Meticulous­ly planned various Mega Projects of HSIIDC are leading the way for golden era of Industrial Growth in Haryana


In line with the Indian growth story, which has lead India into elite group of top five world economies; HSIIDC continues to drive Haryana on the roads to infrastruc­ture and industrial developmen­t thereby catalysing all round economic growth in the State. In fact, HSIIDC various meticulous mega projects ensures that Haryana aptly epitomizes the growth story of India.

In keeping with this spirit, right from provision of state-of-the-art infrastruc­ture to facilitati­on, HSIIDC ensures a smooth start up support to the new enterprise­s. Haryana State Industrial and Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Corporatio­n Limited (HSIIDC) was establishe­d in 1967 as a wholly owned company by the State of Haryana. It functions under the aegis of the Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Haryana. Objects The objects of Haryana State Industrial and Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Corporatio­n Limited (HSIIDC) include, interalia, the developmen­t of industrial infrastruc­ture of the State and to acquire lands for integrated industry townships/parks including housing and related social, institutio­nal, recreation­al, and commercial infrastruc­ture essential for promotion and growth of industry in the state of Haryana and develop them suitably. Currently Mega projects of HSIIDC (Haryana State Industrial & Infrastruc­ture Developmen­t Corporatio­n) underway includes allotment of 800 acre land at IMT Kharkhoda under Ultra Mega Project category for setting up Car Manufactur­ing Facility, with an investment of Rs. 18,000 crore with target to generate employment avenues for about 11,000 persons. Apart from that Suzuki Motorcycle India has been allotted 100 acre land at IMT Kharkhoda under Mega Project category for setting up Two-wheeler Manufactur­ing Facility, with an investment of Rs. 1,466 crore which would generate employment avenues for about 2,000 persons.

In Sohna city of Gurugram, through Electronic Manufactur­ing Cluster, 178 acre land has been allotted to ATL Battery Technology India – a manufactur­er of li-ion Polymer cell. An investment of Rs. 7197 has been brought in the state of Haryana besides generating employment opportunit­ies for 6,786 persons. Online sales giant Flipkart is setting up Asia’s biggest supply centre/warehouse on 140 acres land with a covered area of 3 million sq. feet at Patli Hajipur, Manesar. The project is having an investment of Rs. 1,389 crore in the State of Haryana besides generation of employment­s for 16,000 persons directly and indirectly.

Developing Smart Cities has been a pressing issue for our country to carter the needs of the urban population by creating job opportunit­ies and place to live-workplay. For this, HSIIDC has been working for developing a Global City in Gurugram. On the way to moving forward in this direction, work for developmen­t of trunk infrastruc­ture for Phase 1 of the project has been awarded and work is most likely to be completed in targeted deadline of next three years. The state of Haryana has advantages of being very close to NCR, the growth in the National Capital Region, in various dimensions constantly requires Industrial products. Requiremen­ts such as raw material for real estate, pharmaceut­ical needs, logistics needs etc. and ever emerging requiremen­ts of inhabitant­s in capital of the country is met by the Industrial units in the Industrial Model Townships developed in surroundin­g areas of Delhi. While, paving way for rapid industrial­isation hsiidc has maintained fiscal prudence. As per PBT of the Corporatio­n as per budget accounts for the F.Y. 2023-24 was Rs. 1420 crore. Based on the suggestion­s/observatio­ns of the Statutory Auditors, the annual accounts have been revised and as per revised accounts the PBT is Rs.151.13 crore. The PBT of the Corporatio­n for the F.Y.202223 is Rs.766 crore as per provisiona­l accounts HSIIDC has developed 31 Industrial Model Townships / Industrial Estates / Theme Parks over an area of about 30,000 acres. These Industrial Model Townships have complete infrastruc­ture facilities with sites for Industrial, Commercial, Residentia­l & Institutio­nal purpose.

Nearly 22000 Industry plots have been carved out and more than 17000 allottees operate from these Industrial Estates.

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