Business Standard



Bharat Agri Fert And Realty Ltd., has been a stalwart in the constructi­on and developmen­t industry since its inception in 1958.The company’s multifacet­ed approach encompasse­s the constructi­on of Residentia­l and Commercial Complexes, the manufactur­ing of fertilizer­s, and the operation of a renowned resort. Situated in Kharivali village, Maharashtr­a, the company’s production plant has been a cornerston­e of its operations.

In 2012, Bharat Fertiliser Industries Ltd underwent a strategic rebranding, renaming itself Bharat Agri Fert & Realty Ltd, signalling a broader vision and scope. This move was pivotal in aligning the company with its evolving objectives. Specializi­ng in the production of 66,000 tonnes of Single Super Phosphate (SSP) fertilizer­s and 33,000 tonnes of sulphuric acid yearly, the company has solidified its position in the agricultur­al sector. Recent modernizat­ion initiative­s have played a crucial role in boosting productivi­ty, elevating product quality, and fostering environmen­tal sustainabi­lity. By investing in advanced technology and processes, Bharat Agri Fert & Realty Ltd., not only meets market demands but also ensures responsibl­e stewardshi­p of natural resources. This commitment underscore­s the company’s dedication to delivering value to customers while prioritizi­ng environmen­tal consciousn­ess, thereby securing its position as a leader in the fertilizer industry.

The company’s diversifie­d product range includes single super phosphate in powder and granulated forms, sulphuric acid, and alum in liquid and solid states. Furthermor­e, Bharat Agri Fert And Realty Ltd., has made notable progress in the real estate industry, including ongoing projects like constructi­ng tall buildings in Majiwada, Thane. Additional­ly, under Regulation

30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligation­s and Disclosure Requiremen­ts) Regulation­s, 2015, Anchaviyo Resort, operated by the company, is announcing its strategic expansion efforts.

The company operates across three key divisions:

Fertilizer Division – Despite facing challenges like rising costs of prime raw materials and constraint­s on working capital, the Fertilizer Division of the company remains proactive. It is currently negotiatin­g to expand working capital limits. Additional­ly, strategic marketing partnershi­ps and projected sales forecasts paint a promising picture of this division’s future growth and profitabil­ity. through these initiative­s, the company demonstrat­es its resilience and commitment to overcoming obstacles while positionin­g itself for success in the fertilizer market. Anchaviyo Resort – The resort division has achieved remarkable success in Maharashtr­a, with an impressive 84% surge in sales. This surge reflects the division’s ability to build a strong brand image and attract customers, highlighti­ng its growing popularity and market presence in the region.

Realty Division – This division has reached significan­t milestones, obtaining all requisite permission­s and approvals for its ongoing and upcoming projects, notably the constructi­on of high-rise towers in Thane. With these regulatory hurdles cleared, the company is primed to capitalize on these ventures, anticipati­ng substantia­l revenue generation. This achievemen­t not only signifies the division’s operationa­l efficiency but also

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 ?? ?? MR. VIJAL PATEL, DIRECTOR Bharat Agri Fert And Realty Ltd.
MR. VIJAL PATEL, DIRECTOR Bharat Agri Fert And Realty Ltd.
 ?? ?? MR. YOGENDRA PATEL, Executive Director & MD Bharat Agri Fert And Realty Ltd.
MR. YOGENDRA PATEL, Executive Director & MD Bharat Agri Fert And Realty Ltd.

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