Business Standard



Lincoln Pharmaceut­icals Limited, a prominent player in India's healthcare sector, has continued to demonstrat­e impressive operationa­l and financial prowess over the years and emerged as a company to watch out for over the next few years. Company aims to maintain healthy growth in revenue and margins in the coming years and has set a target of achieving Rs. 750 crore revenue by FY26 while maintainin­g its ‘Net Debt Free’ status.

With over 1,700 registered products and 700 more in developmen­t, company is focused on innovating and expanding its portfolio. Future plans include bolstering offerings in lifestyle, chronic, women's healthcare, and dermatolog­y segments alongside its existing acute care presence. In FY23, it introduced 18 products domestical­ly and submitted 130+ export dossiers.

As of December 2023, Foreign Institutio­nal Investors (FIIS) have steadily raised their holding in the company to 3.22%. FII holding in the company as on December 2022 was 1.44%. Company is also ranked among a very few companies (Top 16 out of 4,200 plus listed companies in the Indian stock exchange) to achieve a profit growth every single year from FY13 to FY23 as per the analysis of Morningsta­r. During the decade, company has delivered a robust CAGR of over 22% in Net profits, 19% plus in EBITDA and over 10% in Revenue.

Company reported its Best-ever results in FY23 with highest - Revenue, EBITDA and Net Profit. It achieved milestone of Rs. 500 crore plus revenue and Rs. 100 crore plus Profit Before Tax (PBT) for the first time in a financial year. During nine months of current fiscal FY24, company beat its past growth numbers with Y-O-Y growth of 11.8% in revenue, 19.6% in EBITDA and 23.8% in Net Profit. It surpassed PBT of Rs. 100 crores during 9M FY24 which it reported for the full of FY23.

Mr. Mahendra Patel, Managing Director, said, “We anticipate even stronger growth in the future through upcoming product launches in domestic and export markets, improved operationa­l efficiency, and the introducti­on of higher-margin products. With our steadfast growth strategies, expansion plans for products and markets, and focus on operationa­l efficiency, we are targeting revenue of Rs. 750 crore in FY26.”

The company has finished expanding its Cephalospo­rin plant in Mehsana, Gujarat, and has started commercial production. It aims to register the product for export to multiple countries, expecting sales of around Rs. 150 crore in the next 3 years.

Company exports to 60+ countries spanning East & West Africa, Central & Latin America, and Southeast Asia. New exports to Canada have begun, and with approvals from TGA (Australia) and EU GMP, the company plans to expand its reach to 90+ countries, strengthen­ing its global footprint. Company has state-of-the-art manufactur­ing facility units at Khatraj in Ahmedabad and Mehsana, Gujarat with a stringent internatio­nal quality and compliance norms. The company has crafted 600+ formulatio­ns across 15 therapeuti­c areas, boasting a robust brand lineup in areas such as antiinfect­ive, respirator­y, gynaecolog­y, cardio & CNS, anti-bacterial, anti-diabetic, and anti-malaria. Additional­ly, it has filed over 25 patent applicatio­ns and received seven patents.

 ?? ?? Figure in Rs cr except EPS Financial Overview - Lincoln Pharmaceut­icals FY 13 to FY23
Figure in Rs cr except EPS Financial Overview - Lincoln Pharmaceut­icals FY 13 to FY23
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? MR. MAHENDRA PATEL, MANAGING DIRECTOR, Lincoln Pharmaceut­icals Ltd

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