Business Standard


Aditya School of Sports, under his guidance, reshaped profession­al sports training in the region


Agraduate from University of Wales, Cardiff, UK, Anirban had to take over the charge of Aditya Group perhaps much earlier than one could have ever anticipate­d. Taking over the responsibi­lity of running close to one thousand families at a crisis situation, and at the young age of 26 years was never going to be easy. However, Anirban turned this disadvanta­ge (to many) into his strength and lead the Group from front and took it out of its immediate crisis. Once the Group found steady and firm grounds there has been no looking back. What Anirban brought to the organisati­on was his internatio­nal exposure and freshness of thoughts together with his zeal to turn aspiration­s to reality. Continuing with his father’s legacy within this short time frame he ensures that the Group expands exponentia­lly. It is his vision that the Group has now gone internatio­nal, gone global.

Anirban Aditya, Chairman of Aditya Group, has revolution­ized Education, Sports, and Hospitalit­y with his entreprene­urial zeal and humanitari­an values. His vision of integratin­g sports training into school curriculum­s birthed the edusports model, inspiring industry-wide adoption. Leading Kreamz, he propelled it to Bengal's fastestgro­wing confection­ery chain in two years. Aditya School of Sports, under his guidance, reshaped profession­al sports training in the region. Anirban, driven by his father's legacy of service and foresight, embodies resilience and inspiratio­n. His recent appointmen­t as Chairman of the ICC National Expert Committee on Sports cements his authority in sports administra­tion and developmen­t, highlighti­ng his commitment to advancing the field. Anirban Aditya's multifacet­ed contributi­ons underscore his status as a transforma­tive figure, propelling industries forward while championin­g humanitari­an principles.


Since 1984, Aditya Group has epitomized innovation in Bengal's corporate sphere, spanning Real Estate, Hospitalit­y, Education, and culinary excellence through Kreamz. Guided by late founder Mr. Bhaskar Aditya and now led by Mr. Anirban Aditya and Mr. Ankit Aditya, our journey is marked by philanthro­py and business prowess.

We proudly operate the largest selfowned school chain in West Bengal, the Aditya Academy Group of Schools, comprising 5 senior and 8 junior schools, nurturing over 10,000 students with the support of 400+ teachers & support staff. Within just two years, Kreamz has establishe­d 125+ stores across Bengal, becoming a frontrunne­r in the confection­ery market. Additional­ly, our Aditya School of Sports (ASOS) stands as the premier Edusports provider in the entire eastern region.

As we venture into new territorie­s with upcoming projects like Cloud Kitchen Services and the nationwide expansion of Kreamz, we invite you to join us in embracing ambition and excellence. Together, let's continue to leave an indelible mark on Bengal's corporate landscape - together, let's embrace Aditya Group.

Anirban Aditya, Chairman of Aditya Group, has revolution­ized Education, Sports, and Hospitalit­y with his entreprene­urial zeal and humanitari­an values

 ?? ?? ANIRBAN ADITYA, Chairman, Aditya Group
ANIRBAN ADITYA, Chairman, Aditya Group

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