Business Standard

Nato proposes $100bn, 5-year fund to support ukraine


North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on (Nato) Secretary General Jens Stoltenber­g is proposing to establish a fund of allied contributi­ons worth $100 billion over five years for Ukraine as part of a package for alliance leaders to sign off when they gather in Washington in July.

Allies are still discussing Stoltenber­g’s proposal and any mechanics of the accounting, including whether to factor in bilateral aid to Ukraine into the overall sum, according to people familiar with the discussion­s. The proposal, which needs approval from the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on’s 32 allies, is likely to change before allies agree, said the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Nato didn’t immediatel­y respond to a request for comment. Spokespeop­le for the White House National Security Council didn’t immediatel­y comment. As part of the package, Nato could also take over the operationa­l duties of the Us-led Ukraine Contact Defense Group, which coordinate­s weapons deliveries by about 50 countries to Ukraine, said the people. With Nato’s supreme allied commander, General Chris Cavoli, in charge, such a step could protect the structure from any political change that may result after the November elections.

The prospect of Donald Trump’s return has triggered increased talk among allies about what Europe should do to ensure the US is invested in transatlan­tic security. It’s also raised concerns among European officials that Trump could withdraw US aid to Ukraine in light of comments that he’d seek to end the war in a day.

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