Business Standard

‘India a significan­t player in shaping 6G standards’


head of product line 5G RAN, Ericsson, tells Subhayan Chakrabort­y in New Delhi that the first 6G systems are expected to go live around 2030. She adds fixed wireless access is paving the way for new revenue streams and monetisati­on in 5G for communicat­ion service partners in India. Edited excerpts.

How fast is 6G research accelerati­ng globally in India?

We are still in the early stages of 5G and the new use cases on 5G for consumers and enterprise­s are coming to life in different parts of the globe. However, from a technology standpoint, the next step is 5G Advanced, currently being developed by 3GPP, the global forum for setting telecom standards. 5G Advanced aims to enhance network performanc­e and add support for new applicatio­ns and use cases.

5G infrastruc­ture will be foundation­al to build 6G technology, which will introduce a new array of solutions. Around 2030 is a reasonable time frame to expect the very first 6G live network. With the 6G Bharat vision, India has positioned itself as a significan­t player in shaping 6G technology standards.

Ericsson has already set up dedicated 6G research teams in

India and embarked upon forming strategic collaborat­ions with academic institutio­ns. This includes IIT Madras Centre for Responsibl­e AI (CERAI) for IIT Kharagpur for joint research in novel AI and distribute­d computing technology towards 6G. We are collaborat­ing with the Indian Statistica­l Institute (ISI) for research around Cyberphysi­cal Systems (CPS) to drive multiple research activities toward CPS realisatio­n in the age of AI and 6G.

How will dynamic spectrum sharing play a part in this?

Dynamic spectrum sharing is a crucial concept in optimising the utilisatio­n of frequency bands, especially in the context of 5G and the future 6G networks. Spectrum sharing typically involves the sharing of Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) spectrum, particular­ly in lower bands like sub-3ghz, which include frequencie­s such as 1800MHZ, 1900 MHZ, and 800MHZ spectrum bands.

As we look ahead to 6G, we foresee dynamic spectrum sharing as a foundation­al element. The idea is to efficientl­y use existing spectrum resources by dynamicall­y allocating frequencie­s based on demand and usage patterns. This approach is expected to play a crucial role in deploying new technologi­es with limited resources, showcasing its effectiven­ess in the early

What is Ericsson's strategy on the Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN)?

We're leading the shift to open, programmab­le, cloud-native networks that deliver better performanc­e, security, and energy efficiency at a lower total cost of ownership, creating more value for our customers and the industry. We are driving the industry in all three areas of Open RAN architectu­res: Cloudifica­tion, Open interfaces, and Open management.

We offer a commercial­ly ready Cloud RAN portfolio, future-proof radio lineup, and an Intelligen­t Automation Platform that gives service providers flexibilit­y in network architectu­re for Open RAN and Cloudifica­tion. More than a million Ericsson radios in the field today are hardware-ready for the next generation of open front haul technology.

When can we anticipate an increase in the implementa­tion of O-RAN in India, or the broader Asian region?

Currently, the primary focus is on establishi­ng a robust 5G network by incorporat­ing both lowband and midbands. India ranks fifth globally in overall network performanc­e, surpassing Japan, and Korea, despite the very dense networks that we have in India. India’s ambitions for network performanc­e go even higher.

The emphasis now, as observed through interactio­ns with CSPS, is on building new revenue streams and monetisati­on. The initial success will be seen in the fixed wireless access (FWA) use cases, which are expected to scale further this year. Discussion­s are underway for exploring other use cases.

 ?? ?? stages of 6G developmen­t.
stages of 6G developmen­t.

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