Business Standard

Citroën 1st multinatio­nal to export EVS from India


French carmaker Citroën became the first multinatio­nal car manufactur­er in India to export domestical­ly made electric vehicles to the internatio­nal market. The company on Thursday announced the commenceme­nt of exports of locally manufactur­ed ë-c3.

Initial shipment of 500 units of the Made-in-india Citroën ë-c3 to Indonesia was ceremonial­ly flagged from Kamarajar Port on Thursday.

The move aligned with Citroën’s global ambitions of democratis­ing electric mobility to increase the adoption of sustainabl­e and clean modes of transporta­tion.

Aditya Jairaj, chief executive officer and managing director of Stellantis India, said the country is not only a strategic market but also a major sourcing hub for vehicles, components, and mobility technologi­es within the Stellantis group. “Commencing the export of the versatile ‘Made-in-india Citroën ë-c3’ electric vehicle to internatio­nal customers is a proud validation of our engineerin­g and developmen­t capabiliti­es. We remain committed to growing in India and promoting sustainabl­e mobility while showcasing India’s manufactur­ing prowess on a global stage,” Jairaj said.

Lise Talbot Barré, consul general of France in Pondicherr­y and Chennai said, “This Made-in-india Citroën ë-c3 symbolises the strength of the Indian-french industrial cooperatio­n and our mutual commitment towards achieving cleaner mobility at the global scale.

Indeed, the Citroën e-c3’s journey materialis­es the core ambition of the strategic partnershi­p between our two countries, as it was already highlighte­d in July by the French Minister for Ecological Transition, when he came to Chennai for the G20. I am glad to observe that this car seems to be a success on the Indian market, with already a few thousand of it sold in the last year.”

“Collaborat­ing to deliver cleaner mobility solutions at affordable prices is an important aspect of the Indo-French contributi­on to the advent of an open, inclusive and sustainabl­y developed Indo-pacific region. This commitment is highlighte­d in the Indo-french roadmap for the Indo-pacific signed last year between our government­s,” Barré said.

The ë-c3, crafted with modern design and innovation, offers a 320 km range certified by ARAI MIDC, along with 100 per cent DC Fast Charge and 15 AMP Home Charging options for convenienc­e. It is available in 13 exterior colour combinatio­ns and 47 customisat­ion options.

Citroën’s export of the ëc3 from India not only showcases the company’s manufactur­ing and engineerin­g prowess but also contribute­s significan­tly to India’s goal of a sustainabl­e and globally competitiv­e EV manufactur­ing ecosystem. This initiative aligns perfectly with Citroën’s global ambitions of promoting clean, safe and affordable mobility worldwide, it said.

In addition to the ë-c3, Citroën also began exporting the C3 to ASEAN and African markets last year.

 ?? ?? A shipment of 500 units of the ‘Made-in-india’ Citroën ë-c3 at Kamarajar Port near Chennai
A shipment of 500 units of the ‘Made-in-india’ Citroën ë-c3 at Kamarajar Port near Chennai

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