Business Standard

Countries still struggle to find a common ground for ‘pandemic treaty’


After the coronaviru­s pandemic triggered once-unthinkabl­e lockdowns, upended economies and killed millions, leaders at the World Health Organisati­on (WHO) and worldwide vowed to do better in the future. Years later, countries are still struggling to come up with an agreed-upon plan for how the world might respond to the next global outbreak.

A ninth and final round of talks involving government­s, advocacy groups and others to finalise a “pandemic treaty” is scheduled to end Friday. The accord’s aim: Guidelines for how the WHO’S 194 member countries might stop future pandemics and better share scarce resources. But experts warn there are virtually no consequenc­es for countries that don’t comply.

WHO’S countries asked the UN health agency to oversee talks for a pandemic agreement in 2021. Envoys have been working long hours in recent weeks to prepare a draft ahead of a selfimpose­d deadline later this month: ratificati­on of the accord at WHO’S annual meeting. But deep divisions could derail it.

US Republican senators wrote a letter to the Biden administra­tion last week critical of the draft for focusing on issues like “shredding intellectu­al property rights” and “supercharg­ing the WHO.” They urged Biden not to sign off.

Britain's department of health said it would only agree to an accord if it was “firmly in the UK national interest and respects national sovereignt­y.” And many developing countries say it’s unfair that they might be expected to provide virus samples to help develop vaccines and treatments, but then be unable to afford them.

“This pandemic treaty is a very highminded pursuit, but it doesn't take political realities into account,” said Sara Davies, a professor of internatio­nal relations at Griffith University in Australia.

For example, the accord is attempting to address the gap that occurred between COVID -19 vaccines in rich and poorer countries, which WHO Director- General Tedros Adhanom said amounted to “a catastroph­ic moral failure.” The draft says WHO should get 20 per cent of the production of pandemic-related products like tests, treatments and vaccines and urges countries to disclose their deals with private companies.

“There's no mechanism within WHO to make life really difficult for any countries that decide not to act in accordance with the treaty,” Davies said.

Adam Kamradt-scott, a global health expert at Harvard University, said that similar to the global climate agreements, the draft pandemic treaty would at least provide a new forum for countries to try to hold each other to account, where government­s will have to explain what measures they’ve taken.

The pandemic treaty “is not about anyone telling the government of a country what it can do and what it cannot do,” said Roland Driece, cochair of WHO’S negotiatin­g board for the agreement.

There are legally binding obligation­s under the Internatio­nal Health Regulation­s, including quickly reporting dangerous new outbreaks. But those have been flouted repeatedly, including by African countries during Ebola outbreaks and China in the early stages of COVID-19. Suerie Moon, codirector of the Global Health Centre at Geneva’s Graduate Institute, said it was critical to determine the expected role of WHO during a pandemic and how outbreaks might be stopped before spreading globally.

“If we fail to seize this window of opportunit­y which is closing … we’ll be just as vulnerable as we were in 2019,” she warned.

Some countries appear to be moving on their own to ensure cooperatio­n from others in the next pandemic. Last month, President Joe Biden’s administra­tion said it would help 50 countries respond to new outbreaks and prevent global spread, giving the country leverage should it need critical informatio­n or materials in the future.

Yuanqiong Hu, a senior legal and policy adviser at Doctors without Borders, said it's unclear what might be different in the next pandemic, but hoped that focusing attention on some of the glaring errors that emerged in COVID -19 might help.

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