Business Standard

US protests: Why are faculty voices muted?

The silence of faculty underscore­s a shift where the pursuit of academic values takes a back seat to preserving financial interests

- T T RAM MOHAN ttrammohan­

American university campuses erupted in protest last month over the conflict in Gaza. The pro-palestine protests are still on and have since spread to Europe. These protests have raised fundamenta­l questions about freedom of expression at universiti­es. University administra­tors (often distinguis­hed academics) have not been able to withstand pressure to silence the protesters. The voices of faculty, too, have been strangely muted.

In dealing with such protests, universiti­es obviously need to strike a balance between allowing freedom of expression and maintainin­g order on campus. The American Civil Liberties Union has spelt out ground rules that nobody can quarrel with.

First, no viewpoint, however offensive, must be censored or discipline­d. Secondly, no student or group should be targeted or intimidate­d in any way in the name of free speech. Thirdly, universiti­es can place restrictio­ns on the time and place of protests so that the functionin­g of the university is not disrupted. Fourthly, the police must be called in only as a last resort. Lastly, campus leaders must not yield to political pressures.

It should not have been difficult for the university authoritie­s to have allowed the protests subject to these rules. Sadly, the situation has got out of hand at many American universiti­es, such as Columbia in New York. Police (including anti-terrorist squads in combat gear) have been called in to clear out encampment­s of students even where they were not disruptive of normal activities. The universiti­es’ response to the protests may be disappoint­ing, but nobody should be overly surprised.

The United States is almost unique in the scale of philanthro­pic contributi­ons to universiti­es. Donor contributi­ons are typically the single biggest source of finance for universiti­es. Student fees don’t even cover operationa­l costs, let alone capital expenditur­e. The more funds a university or college can raise by way of donations, the more it can invest in infrastruc­ture, research, and faculty, and hence the greater its stature. Annoying donors is a terrible idea for any university.

In addition, universiti­es get large funds for research projects from the government. The US Defence Department, for instance, has historical­ly been a major source of funds. Corporatio­ns, too, fund research projects. Universiti­es, in turn, invest their endowment funds in corporatio­ns.

Leading donors, major corporatio­ns and politician­s have not cared to conceal their displeasur­e over the pro-palestinia­n protests on campuses. Many tend to reflexivel­y label the pro-palestinia­n protests as anti-semitism. America’s donors and politician­s have been keen to oblige Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who has called on the universiti­es to shut down the protests.

So deep are the links between universiti­es on one side and the government and the private sector on the other that the universiti­es can’t afford to antagonise either. The students’ demand that the universiti­es divest from corporatio­ns with links to Israel is thus a non-starter for most universiti­es. A crackdown on the protesters was inevitable.

It’s not just university administra­tors who have been timid in responding to outside pressures. Faculty members have not been sufficient­ly forthcomin­g in support of the students’ right to legitimate protest. At Columbia University, the 111-member university senate considered but did not pursue a vote to censure the university president for her decision to call in the police, among other things.

At Harvard, about 300 faculty have signed a letter urging the president to negotiate with the student protesters. That is a relatively small number out of the 2,400 faculty the university boasts of. Most of the signatorie­s are from the humanities department­s. The faculty at Harvard’s famous schools of law, business, medicine, and the department­s of physics, chemistry and economics appear largely absent from the list. At a few universiti­es, faculty members have passed a vote of no-confidence in the leadership. Such faculty actions have been pretty rare.

Where, one wonders, are America’s many Nobel Laureates and other thought leaders? Columbia University’s Joseph Stiglitz, himself a Jew, has decried the “interferen­ce in academic freedom”. He has said in an interview, “They (the students) had empathy for what was going on in the world. How could anybody not react after seeing the pictures, after seeing the numbers of people dying, being injured?” Professor Stiglitz is a distinguis­hed exception to the silence of the leaders of America’s academic community. How come?

Faculty in the US comprise two groups: Clinical, or adjunct, and tenured. Clinical faculty do mostly teaching and are on contract. They would be reluctant to put their jobs on the line by taking a position on such issues. Tenured faculty enjoy complete job security and are not subject to any retirement age. With that sort of protection, people would expect tenured faculty to speak up on issues of academic freedom.

Alas, that doesn’t happen. For one thing, governance in American academia has changed quite a bit over the decades. American universiti­es are said to be “faculty governed”; that is, faculty members are supposed to play an active role in the running of colleges and universiti­es. Over the last two or three decades, however, American colleges have tended to become dean-centric, which means more power has come to be concentrat­ed in the office of the dean. Finance, faculty appointmen­t and confirmati­on, and faculty compensati­on (including annual increments) are all matters on which deans have come to have the larger say.

The “incentives” that have caused academic administra­tors to fall in line with donors and politician­s also operate to keep faculty on a leash. Distinguis­hed faculty members hold Chairs that are endowed by wealthy donors, whether individual­s or companies. Funding for research projects and, broadly, power and influence within the college or university are contingent on faculty keeping administra­tors and donors happy.

So faculty may hold forth on human rights abuses and limits on freedom of speech in China, Russia, Myanmar and other places. They may sit on government and regulatory bodies and record stirring notes of dissent. They may write searing critiques of political parties succumbing to powerful lobbies. They may exhort graduating students to stand by the “values” of the university and to speak truth to power.

Within their own colleges or universiti­es and in their dealings with deans and presidents, however, faculty know how to lie low on issues that matter— and not just in the US. Your columnist, who has had a long stint in academia, is happy to share a little secret: The internal culture of academia is not all that different from that of the typical corporatio­n (whose authoritar­ian culture academics are apt to decry).

Academics, like sensible people everywhere, know which side their bread is buttered. They understand that the price of annoying administra­tive leaders and powerful external lobbies is steep. Freedom of expression, “governance” and “values”, then, are strictly for the birds.

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