Business Today

Igniting Passions for Developmen­tal Strides


This refers to your cover story on pharma industry ( Pharma’s Next Gen, May 21). The strategic plans and actions of the youngsters in successful­ly taking the baton of responsibi­lities involving diagnosis of issues, entrenchin­g prognosis of market conditions, and practical wisdom and expertise will help other companies to revisit their portfolio of products and catalyse positive interventi­ons accordingl­y. The new-age industrial­ists offer a healing touch to their operations, lead the lamps of insightful ideas of their forefather­s-cum-founders and ignite innovative passions for developmen­tal strides. They get to the bottom of the issues and show a clean pair of heels in the midst of the business risks and market difficulti­es. The isolation of Indian pharmas by the US Food and Drug Administra­tion’s conditiona­l obligation­s, including their unilateral­ly reserved right to inspect our manufactur­ing facilities for approval of their formulatio­ns, militates against the World Trade Organizati­on’s trade norms under the aegis of globalisat­ion. The Centre must take up this issue in WTO forum to redress this conundrum. The full treatment of the collective issues of Indian pharma in the course of the study of these representa­tive companies by Business Today will definitely impart Midas Touch to their right endeavours.

B. Rajasekara­n, Bangalore

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