Business Today


- Joe C Mathew

RECENT interventi­ons by Central and state government­s have put pressure on private hospitals to come out with self- regulatory norms to strengthen doctorpati­ent trust by bringing in transparen­cy in the quality of treatment, essentiali­ty of diagnostic tests and the rationalit­y of hospital bills. The private healthcare industry has expressed hope that the self- regulation code, prepared by the Indian Medical Associatio­n, will deter the government from creating an institutio­nal mechanism they dread most — a legally- binding regulatory framework to monitor the functionin­g of hospitals. It’s been seven years since the Centre enacted The Clinical Establishm­ents ( Registrati­on and Regulation) Act, 2010. The implementa­tion by states has been sketchy at best. It has taken a series of ill- thought- out reactions by the Centre and state government­s against alleged overchargi­ng and medical negligence by some private hospitals for the industry to suggest an alternativ­e mechanism now. -

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