Business Today



Some people are fond of exotic foods. But you need not wait for Brazilian nuts or hazelnuts to tick the boxes on your list of nutrients. Locally available almonds are good enough to meet your essential body needs. If you cannot find the imported kiwi, give oranges a chance. Again, you need not wait for the dragon fruit to replenish the mineral contents in your body; apples and musk melons can do the trick. If lettuce is sold out, the good old spinach can come to your rescue with all the fibre content you need. There is no point debating whether the dinner plate contains a high-carb or a low-carb meal. Eaten in moderation, all foods are allowed. So, what is moderation? Make a quick check along these lines. If you are a rice eater, go for one cup of cooked rice with two cups of vegetables. Focus more on those rich in fibre. For the vegetarian­s, pulses or dal will help to get enough protein; others can go for chicken, fish or eggs (just be careful how many eggs you are eating).

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