Business Today



THERE ARE TWO CATEGORIES OF THALASSAEM­IA – major and minor. “If an individual inherits a defective Hb gene from either parent, he/she has thalassaem­ia minor (the person is a carrier). People who inherit defective genes from both parents have thalassaem­ia major,” explains Dr Arora. Those with thalassaem­ia minor do not show symptoms of the disease and lead a normal life. But individual­s with thalassaem­ia major suffer from its adverse effects and require regular blood transfusio­n. Asked how research is helping with the treatment, Dr Arora says that gene therapy and cord blood transplant­ation, where stem cells from the umbilical cord blood of the mother are transplant­ed in the child with thalassaem­ia, could be of help. Foetal haemoglobi­n inducer drugs are also used to increase haemoglobi­n levels.

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