BusinessLine (Delhi)

Meet Bertie, Warren Buffett’s sister and model investor

Buffett made a pitch for longterm investing in this year’s letter to shareholde­rs, using his sister as an example


Warren Buffett’s annual letter to shareholde­rs is eagerly awaited, not just for gauging the performanc­e of the stupendous­ly successful Berkshire Hathway portfolio, but also to read and imbibe the nuggets of investment advice which Buffet generously shares. In the recent annual letter, two characters find repeated mentions. One, of course, is Charlie Munger, Buffet’s friend, and partner, who died last year. The letter begins with a tribute to Munger, where Buffett calls him the real architect of Berkshire Hathway, and the entire letter is interspers­ed with references to


Buffett also talks about his sister, Bertie, in this year’s letter. He has used Bertie to form the picture of the ideal investor in Berkshire Hathway. In his words, “Bertie is smart, wise and likes to challenge my thinking. We have never, however, had a shouting match or anything close to a ruptured relationsh­ip. We never will.”

Roberta “Bertie” Buffett Elliott, Buffett’s younger sister, is well known for her philanthro­pic work and has been effectivel­y used by him to show how longterm investing creates immense wealth and how the reverse is true when a shortterm view is taken.


Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger are all about longterm value investing and they have not been measly about sharing their wisdom with the masses in the past. But Buffett’s letter this year seems to be addressing the analysts and media who have been critical of

Berkshire’s annual underperfo­rmance or muted returns in recent years.

If the per share market value of Berkshire is compared with the total returns of S&P 500 (including dividend payouts), the annual returns of Berkshire has not always outperform­ed the S&P 500. In 2023, the return from Berkshire was 15.8 per cent while the index delivered 26.3 per cent. Similar underperfo­rmance has been noticed in other years too with the Berkshire stock outperform­ing the index by a tiny sliver in many years.

But if the overall gain in Berkshire from 1964 to 2023 is considered, it is a whopping 4,384,748 per cent, compared to 31,223 per cent gain in the S&P 500 index. Buffett, thus, has more than adequately made his point about the virtues of value investing and remaining invested for the longterm.

And his advice to investors remains unaltered; to sit tight and trust Berkshire with their savings without any expectatio­n of resale. Much like Bertie, and her three daughters who have a large portion of their savings in Berkshire shares, with their ownership spanning decades.


It is increasing­ly seen in India that retail investors are turning to speculatio­n and data analysed by SEBI showed that 90 per cent of investors lost money trading derivative­s. Buffett has also pointed towards this increasing tendency towards trading and speculatio­n, “For whatever reasons, markets now exhibit far more casinolike behaviour than they did when I was young. The casino now resides in many homes and daily tempts the occupants.”

But the trick is to be like Bertie, who Buffett calls “one of the country’s great investors.” Bertie too believed that active management of stocks and investment­s was the way to generate wealth initially. She was an active investor for 20 years, holding bonds, putting onethird of her funds in a mutual fund and trading stocks with some frequency. Then, in 1980, at the age of 46, Bertie changed her investment style. She retained only the mutual fund and Berkshire; she made no new trades in the next 43 years. And in that period, she became very rich, even after donating millions towards philanthro­py.

Bertie’s experience is mirrored by most other investors in Berkshire. Traders in India will also agree that if they had purchased a bluechip and held it for a decade, it may have given far superior returns than that generated by trading in the stock.


Besides the pervasive advice to think longterm, Buffett also hands out some important investing lessons, through Bertie.

One, investors should always do their own due diligence and research before investing. Bertie understand­s many accounting terms related to investing. She tracks business news by reading four newspapers daily, but doesn’t consider herself an economic expert. She trusts her fund managers to generate returns for her.

Two, beware of selfstyled gurus and influencer­s peddling stocks. In Buffett’s words Bertie knows that “pundits should always be ignored. After all, if she could reliably predict tomorrow’s winners, would she freely share her valuable insights and thereby increase competitiv­e buying? That would be like finding gold and then handing a map to the neighbours showing its location.”

Three, be watchful about misselling of investment products. Humans have a weakness for incentives and like Bertie, investors should learn to recognise who is “selling” and who can be trusted.


Buffett was, as ever, candid about the difficulty in stock selection process and how it can often go wrong. “Some businesses will flourish for a very long time while others will prove to be sinkholes. It’s harder than you would think to predict which will be the winners and losers. And those who tell you they know the answer are usually either selfdelusi­onal or snakeoil salesmen.”

But he also adds that the goal should be to continue to look for companies which use capital to consistent­ly generate high returns in the future. He says that if you can identify and manage to own even one of such companies and simply sitting tight, it can deliver wealth almost beyond measure. “Even heirs to such a holding can — ugh! — sometimes live a lifetime of leisure.”

Buffett used the example of American Express and CocaCola to show companies which delivered sustained gains to investors. AMEX began operations in 1850, and CocaCola was launched in 1886. Their core business has been stable over the years and has grown. Both own brands which are recognised internatio­nally.

“The lesson from Coke and AMEX? When you find a truly wonderful business, stick with it. Patience pays, and one wonderful business can offset the many mediocre decisions that are inevitable.”

The growing number of Indian traders and shortterm investors will do well to heed the sage of Omaha. While feverish trading activity can get juices to flow, investing in the right place and sitting tight is the way to build wealth, as Bertie did.

Buffett says the goal should be to continue to look for companies which use capital to consistent­ly generate high returns in the future.

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