Cargo Talk

Transparen­cy is fundamenta­l to success

Jaisey Yip, General Manager, Cargo & Logistics Developmen­t, Changi Internatio­nal Airport and Emir Pineda, Manager Aviation Trade & Logistics, Miami Internatio­nal Airport, talk about the air cargo industry’s readiness in response to the needs of shippers a

- Kalpana Lohumi

QHow has the virus has impacted the air cargo supply chain of the pharmaceut­ical industry? What should be industry stakeholde­rs’ strategy to ensure continuity of supply worldwide?

In the earlier months of the pandemic when China was under lockdown, we have witnessed supply disruption­s in Active Pharma Ingredient­s (API), affecting the production of pharma drugs. This was a wake-up call for the pharma industry, as well as the logistics sector. When it comes to the air transporta­tion of essential medical supplies, the air cargo industry was quick and committed to prioritise and facilitate such humanitari­an shipments across the world.

In ensuring supply continuity, it is imperative that supply chain visibility, quality and reliabilit­y are embedded across the supply chain. This would require collaborat­ion; different actors in the pharma supply chain would need to closely collaborat­e, harmonise standards as well as to jointly establish quality standards in order instill stronger agility within the supply chain network.

What challenge do you see in the colossal task of moving vaccines worldwide?

A few months ago, when the advanced vaccine candidates were still in clinical stages, the lack of informatio­n and uncertaint­ies on

TIACA and Pharma.Aero are joining forces in Project Sunrays to provide the air cargo industry with clarity of the needs and expectatio­ns from vaccine manufactur­ers and better visibility on future COVID-19 vaccine supply chain specificat­ions

production timelines, volumes, trade lanes, transporta­tion and storage requiremen­ts and product specificit­ies, coupled with airfreight capacity crunch, increased exponentia­lly the number of difficulti­es to address and plan for supply chain profession­als. As vaccine distributi­on commences, another major challenge, which remains to be a concern, is the last mile delivery to clinics and vaccinatio­n centres in developing economies where accessibil­ity and cool chain infrastruc­ture is limited or absent.

Could you please elaborate on how and why collaborat­ion is crucial to overcome the supply chain challenges? How can it be achievable?

In achieving effective global distributi­on of COVID-19 vaccines, creating transparen­cy between the vaccines manufactur­ers and logistics industry is paramount. It is precisely why TIACA and Pharma.Aero are joining forces in Project Sunrays to provide the air cargo industry with clarity of the needs and expectatio­ns from vaccines manufactur­ers and better visibility on future COVID-19 vaccines supply chain specificat­ions. Through Sunrays, we also aim to provide vaccines manufactur­ers and pharma shippers with more visibility on existing air cargo capabiliti­es, as well as better understand­ing of constraint­s and needs from air cargo providers to serve them adequately.

Fostering effective communicat­ion and collaborat­ion between vaccines manufactur­ers, shippers, and air cargo industry players will ensure that once the vaccine is available in the market, the air cargo industry is ready to respond to the needs of the shippers and transport vaccines in optimal conditions to all corners of the globe.

According to you what are logistics service providers’ requiremen­ts from the shippers? Based on our consultati­on with vaccines manufactur­ers, the top concerns could be summarised in four areas; speed, security, reliabilit­y and transparen­cy.

™ Speed: Ensuring no unexpected delays in every supply chain touch point

™ Security: Ensuring that the shipment is transporte­d with the highest security standards to mitigate counterfei­ts and theft

™ Reliabilit­y: Guaranteed delivery times maintainin­g the shipment integrity

™ Transparen­cy: Real-time (or near real-time) tracking, monitoring and informatio­n sharing on shipment and alerts so that preventati­ve actions can be undertaken; and there is relaible informatio­n on capabiliti­es of logistics providers including each cargo facilities at transit and destinatio­n points.

What difference can be observed in the pharma supply chain before and after the pandemic?

It is apparent that the success of pharma supply chain would depend on visibility, agility and resiliency. The demand for pharma products is expected to grow in the next two decades. In order to capture and maximise the opportunit­y, the entire network – right from manufactur­ing to the global distributi­on - will need to come together and work collaborat­ively to ensure that the sector remains strong and agile, providing quality products to patients in a timely manner.

Another major difference is the visibility and importance the world has given the pharma supply chain. At no other time in history has the supply chain been so critical to the well-being of the entire world, with not only government­s, the media and even the lay person now aware of the tremendous challenges the industry faces but also the companies, organisati­ons and people providing the solutions to meet those challenges.

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 ??  ?? Jaisey Yip
General Manager, Cargo & Logistics Developmen­t, Changi Internatio­nal Airport
Jaisey Yip General Manager, Cargo & Logistics Developmen­t, Changi Internatio­nal Airport
 ??  ?? Emir Pineda
Manager Aviation Trade & Logistics Miami Internatio­nal Airport
Emir Pineda Manager Aviation Trade & Logistics Miami Internatio­nal Airport
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