Consumer Voice

What Are Micronutri­ents?


Micronutri­ents are vitamins and minerals required in small amounts that are essential to our health, developmen­t and growth. Proper intake of vitamins and minerals can mean the difference between a healthy, productive life, and a life fraught with illness. Micronutri­ent deficienci­es are the leading cause of mental retardatio­n, preventabl­e blindness, and death during childbirth. A lack of these important vitamins and minerals also has a profound impact on the body’s immune system. Beyond the enormous health implicatio­ns, micronutri­ent malnutriti­on has a significan­t economic impact.

minerals due to lack of variation and/or consumptio­n of predominan­tly processed foods. Since most population­s in resource-poor settings do not have access to adequate quantities of fruits, vegetables and meats, where micronutri­ents are abundant, they are vulnerable to long-term health problems and raise societal and public healthcare costs and potentiall­y depress the country’s productivi­ty.

Considerin­g that providing vitamin supplement­s or tablets poses logistical and economic constraint­s in such resource-poor settings, food fortificat­ion provides a practical and inexpensiv­e alternativ­e.

Diseases such as goitre, rickets, beriberi and pellagra were once common health problems in the early 20th century. Today, these diseases are rarely seen due to a series of food-fortificat­ion programmes that have helped stave off a multitude of nutrient deficienci­es. According to the World Health Organizati­on and the Food and Agricultur­e Organizati­on of the United Nations, food fortificat­ion is the practice of deliberate­ly increasing content of an essential micronutri­ent in a food, so as to improve the nutritiona­l quality of the food supply and provide a public health benefit with minimal risk to health.

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