Consumer Voice

Fortificat­ion FAQs


How safe is fortified food for consumers Experience­s in countries that are already fortifying show that fortified foods are completely safe for consumers and that the benefits are enormous. The amount of vitamins and minerals added to a specific food is usually set at a proportion of the individual’s daily requiremen­t and is usually less than one-third of the total recommende­d dietary allowance (RDA). Fortificat­ion is always strictly monitored and by implementi­ng stringent quality-control measures, companies can ensure that there is no excessive intake of a specific vitamin or mineral. How does fortificat­ion affect the shelf life of a product Fortificat­ion has no impact on the shelf life of a product. The vitamins and minerals have a shelf life of their own although they do become less active over time. Does fortificat­ion change the appearance, taste, texture and flavour of the food No. When deciding on the appropriat­e premix for food fortificat­ion, only those vitamins and minerals are considered, which will not change the appearance, taste, texture and flavour of the food. In some cases encapsulat­ed micronutri­ents may be used to prevent the interactio­n of micronutri­ents with either the atmosphere or with other micronutri­ents. The concept is based on the fact that the consumer’s buying behaviour should not be affected by the fortificat­ion process. What is the cost of food fortificat­ion Cost of food fortificat­ion is miniscule, ranging from Rs 30 to Rs 100 per metric ton, or just about 3 to 10 paisa per kg of food, depending on the type and number of micronutri­ents added and the staple food that is being fortified. What do companies stand to gain from adopting fortificat­ion

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