Consumer Voice

Use Secure Networks


It’s good to be extra careful whenever you go online using a network you don’t know or trust – like using the free Wi-Fi at your local cafe.

Keep Your Device Clean

If you’re getting redirected from Google or seeing pop-up ads, unwanted toolbars, or strange Google search results, your computer may have malware. Malware is software designed to damage and take control of your computer. Here are some tips to keep your system clean. Tip 1: Keep your browser and operating system upto-date. Most operating systems will let you know you when it’s time to upgrade – don’t ignore these messages. Old versions of software can sometimes have security problems that criminals can use to easily get to your data. Tip 2: Keep an eye on what you click and download. Without meaning to, you may click a link that installs malware on your computer. To keep your computer safe, only click links and downloads from sites that you trust. Don’t open any unknown file types, or download programs from pop-ups that appear in your browser.

Prevent Cybercrime

The Web can be a great place, but not everyone online has good intentions. Here are three simple ways to avoid scammers and stay safe on the Web:

Tip 1:

Beware of strangers bearing gifts. A message is probably up to no good if it congratula­tes you for being a website’s millionth visitor, offers a tablet computer or other prize in exchange for completing a survey, or promotes quick and easy ways to make money or get a job (‘get rich quick working from your home in just two hours a day!’). If you see a message from someone you know that doesn’t seem like them, their account may have been compromise­d by a cyber criminal who is trying to get money or informatio­n from you – so be careful how you respond. Common tactics include asking you to urgently send them money, claiming to be stranded in another country, or saying that their phone has been stolen so that they cannot be called. The message may also tell you to click on a link to see a picture, article, or video, which actually leads you to a site that may steal your informatio­n – so think before you click! Tip 2: Do your research. When shopping online, research the seller and be wary of suspicious­ly low prices—just like you would if you were buying something at a local store. Scrutinise online deals that seem too good to be true. No one wants to get tricked into buying fake goods. People who promise normally non-discounted expensive products or services for free or at 90 per cent off likely have malicious intent. If you use Gmail, you may see a warning across the top of your screen if you’re looking at an email that the Gmail system says might be a scam – if you see this warning, think twice before responding to that email. Tip 3: Don’t get phished. Phishing is when you get an email or a social media message that looks like it’s coming from a legitimate place such as a bank or social

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