Consumer Voice

Total Plate Count (cfu/gram)


Total plate count is the amount of viable bacteria in a food product and serves as a key indicator of the product’s overall quality and safety. As per Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulation­s, 2011, total plate count in sterilised and ultra-heat treated (UHT) flavoured milk should be nil.

Coliform Bacteria Count (cfu/gram)

Presence of coliform bacteria count is suggestive of unsanitary conditions or practices during production, processing, or storage. As per Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulation­s, 2011, coliform bacteria count in sterilised and ultra-heat treated (UHT) flavoured milk should be nil.


Flavoured milk should be packed in glass/plastic/ tin or any other suitable container.


The following informatio­n shall be clearly and indelibly marked on the label of each container:

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