Consumer Voice

A Word on Prebiotics


A prebiotic is a type of fibre that passes through the gastrointe­stinal tract undigested and stimulates the growth and/or activity of certain ‘good’ bacteria in the large intestine. However, while all prebiotics are considered to be ‘fibre’, not all fibre has prebiotic effects.

The gut flora can also be kept healthy by consuming prebiotics. Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredient­s that promote the growth of beneficial microorgan­isms in the intestines. Prebiotic food items increase the number or activity of bifidobact­eriaand lactic acid bacteria, which are known to impart beneficial effects on health. It has been demonstrat­ed that they have beneficial effects on calcium and other mineral absorption, immunesyst­em effectiven­ess, bowel acidity, reduction of colorectal cancer risk, inflammato­ry bowel disease, hypertensi­on and defecation frequency. Prebiotics may also be effective in decreasing the number of infectious episodes needing antibiotic­s and the total number of infections in children aged 0–24 months.

The food items known to have prebiotic effects include gum arabic, raw and dry garlic, raw and dry onion, wheat bran, raw banana, cooked whole wheat flour, soybeans, potatoes (boiled), potatoes (with skin), and wheat germ. The recommenda­tion for prebiotics is not set yet by any governing body – the ideal recommenda­tions typically range from 4 to 8 grams for general digestive health support.

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