Consumer Voice

Total Sugar


Carbohydra­tes are a good source of energy. A good reason to consume carbohydra­tes post-workout is to replenish the muscle glycogen that we burned during our workout. Our main fuel source is muscle glycogen. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose. So, a higher amount of carbohydra­te is useful in gaining body weight.

in Nutrigain. Brand Knoll Kudos Body Grow Endura Mass Nutrigain Lab Results (%) 93.38 87.43 80.71 77.23 76.25

Carbohydra­tes are made up of three components: fibre, starch, and sugar. Fibre and starch are complex carbohydra­tes, while sugar is a simple carbohydra­te. Sugar is easily digested by our body and is therefore a quick source of energy.

Grow. Brand Kudos Knoll Endura Mass Nutrigain Body Grow Lab Results (%) 72.71 71.98 60.79 57.71 53.01

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