Consumer Voice

Mould Count


TSS percentage in all brands was found to be more than the prescribed legal limit. Highest TSS percentage was found in Dabur (12.07), and the lowest in Smart Cook (11.03). Brand Dabur Kissan Safal Smart Cook


Lab Results (%) 12.07 11.07 11.04 11.03

Lycopene is the natural substance (part of the carotenoid group) responsibl­e for the deep red colour in many foods, most particular­ly in tomatoes. When a tomato ripens, it becomes red in colour, which is primarily due to lycopene. Lycopene content of tomatoes depends on the species of tomato and it increases as the tomato ripens. A higher lycopene content is beneficial for consumers. Lycopene content was found highest in Dabur and

lowest in Safal. Brand Dabur Smart Cook Kissan Safal Lab. Results (mg/100gram) 15.81 15.06 6.51 4.31

Moulds are microscopi­c fungi that live on plant or animal matter. Mould in food may cause allergic reactions and respirator­y problems. A few moulds produce mycotoxins, poisonous substances that can make people sick. Mould count was found absent in all the four brands,

making them safe for human consumptio­n.

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