Consumer Voice

Tomato Puree Which one among these four?

Tomato Puree


Which one among these four?

Tomato puree differs from tomato sauce or tomato paste in consistenc­y and content. It can be used in soups, stews, sauces, or any other dish where the tomato flavor is desired, but not the texture. Readymade tomato puree gives an appealing red colour to rich gravies. It is particular­ly handy when good-quality tomatoes are not in season. However, it is a processed food product and many other ingredient­s may be added to enhance its taste. They may also contain preservati­ves to extend the shelf life. And what really is the lycopene content in the tomato puree? The following report will answer these questions with regard to four popular brands of tomato puree.

The tests were carried out in an NABLaccred­ited laboratory. It may straightaw­ay be revealed that all the tested brands of tomato puree were packed in asepticall­y processed Tetra Pak. Asepticall­y processed and packaged products do not require preservati­ves to be added, and so all these brands were free from preservati­ves. Tomato puree refers to the unfermente­d product that is obtained by concentrat­ing the juice of sound, ripe tomatoes to the desired concentrat­ion. It may contain salt.

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