Cosmopolitan (India)



Arjun Mathur, whose resume is getting along nicely with films like Luck By Chance, My Name is Khan and My Friend Pinto, says he’s begged, borrowed and even stolen for love.

The first time I fell in love... I was 16. I begged and borrowed money from my friend Jassa and bought this girl a teddy bear, flowers and a perfume. I also stole my sister’s silver bracelet and added it to the package. It didn’t work. She said no.

Craziest thing I’ve done in love... I was 15, my love was unrequited, and I had just been introduced to alcohol. So I got drunk and took out a compass to carve her name on my arm. But I chickened out, it really hurt.

Love is... surrender. When you give yourself to it completely, it can be the most enriching experience.

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