Cosmopolitan (India)

The Cosmo Quiz


1. Few know that my nickname is _____ Sona.

2. If not an actor, I’d be...

a ________ designer.

3. When no one’s around, I tend to ______________ Sleep.

4. One fashion trend I’m feeling right now: _____________________ I’ve always been fond ______________________ of jackets, even more ___________________ so right now.

5. I feel most relaxed when I’m in:

________ pyjamas.

6. The number of pairs of shoes I own is...

__________ Countless.

7. The least celebrity-like quality about me is: _________________ I hate to dress up.

8. My secret talent is: _________________ I sketch very well. 9. There’s no such thing as too much:... a. Mascara b. Lipstick c. Eyeshadow d. Blush

10. The celebrity I’d most like to be friends with is:

_______________ Michelle Obama.

11. The best relationsh­ip advice I’ve ever got was: ________________________ don’t change the person __________ that you are.

12. My favourite fashion designers are... Shantanu ___________________ & Nikhil, _________ JJ Valaya, _________________ Narendra Kumar

13. I’m secretly terrified of... _____ Bugs. 14. ________________ Life is too short to: hold grudges and _______________ fret over things.

15. I think it’s sexy when a guy... ____________________ Opens the Door for me _____________________ and spends time with __________ my family

16. My friends make fun of me when... ____________________ they see me acting in _______________________ films, cause I do something ____________________ unexpected every time.

17. There isn’t anything _________can’t my mum fix.

18. Three words that describe my style are: ___________________ Casual, simple and ________ relaxed.

 ??  ?? Sonakshi is a selfconfes­sed jacket fan
Sonakshi is a selfconfes­sed jacket fan
 ??  ?? Sonakshi in a
Shantanu Nikhil dress
Sonakshi in a Shantanu Nikhil dress

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