Cosmopolitan (India)




“Remind him of a time he rocked your world in bed, ‘Remember our first vacation when you did X? That felt so good.’ He’ll take it as a challenge.”

—Anu S., 26 “I took up yoga and became so flexible in bed. My boyfriend and I were suddenly able to do things we never used to be able to do.”

—Simran B., 28 “Drive over to his house wearing lingerie and a raincoat and nothing else. Cliché, but hot.”

—Geetika M., 30 “After a year of dating, my boyfriend and I would mix it up by trying out fun things we’d seen in steamy Comfortabl­e... good when it comes to bras, not so much when it comes to sex. The excitement and newness has worn off, and according to experts, his desire to impress you may be diminishin­g too. The key is to make that comfort work to your advantage by changing things up. movie sex scenes. The key is to keep it playful, so if something doesn’t work—for example, honey or melted chocolate isn’t as easy to lick off each other as you’d probably imagined, or seen in your favourite movie—you can laugh it off together and simply keep going.”

—Anusha S., 24 “Pick up the erotic book Sweet Love, edited by Violet Blue. Highlight the parts that turn you on, and let him do the same.”

—Natascha P., 27 “My boyfriend and I started doing timed orgasm challenges. Set a clock, and see who can make the other person come faster.” —Jayati K., 29

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