Cosmopolitan (India)



1. You’re hanging out at a bar on karaoke night. What are you doing?

a. You’re on stage, killing it softly. b. Trying to convince your friend to do a Salt-n-Pepa rap duet with you. It would totally turn heads! c Wouldn't happen - you're not a big karaoke fan.

2. It’s Thursday afternoon. What do you and your friends planned for the weekend so far?

a. reggae brunch, a ve-fish pedicure, and ‘just because’ party, planned by yours uly, of course. b. You put a few feelers out to friends, but you haven’t committed to anything yet. c You haven’t heard from your friends yet, so you’re not too sure.

3. What does your Instagram profile look like?

a. Lots of pics of every party you go to and every couch you and your posse dance on. b. Images of nature and cool buildings— you’re an observer. c Shots of the new shoes you bought and the occasional group pic of you and your friends.

4. You have tickets to a comedy show, and your friend cancels. Your move?

a. Text your friends to find a replacemen­t. b. Bail too. You have an episode of How I Met Your Mother on your DVD anyway. c. Go by yourself. It will make a killer Facebook post.

5. What is your presence like on the e- mail chain you have with your friends?

a. You created it, so you keep it going with personal anecdotes, funny YouTube videos, and links to reviews of restaurant­s to try. b. You chime in whenever you have a story worth sharing. c. Minimal—you only respond when you’re asked a direct question.

 ??  ?? They drank her alcohol but didn’t bring
They drank her alcohol but didn’t bring presents
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