Cosmopolitan (India)

So you got a compliment. Here’s how to deal.


1. Say thank you—it doesn’t mean you have a Kanye-size ego. Other options include, but are not limited to, thanks, gracias, thx, and TY.

2. If the praise applies to a joint effort, mention the other people involved. Example: ‘The new site looks great!’ ‘Thanks. Ekta did a great job with the design.’

3. Avoid volleying back with another compliment. Example: ‘I love your outfit.’ ‘Thank you, but OMG, can we talk about how amazing you look today?’

4. Don’t downplay yourself or your efforts with any of the following: ‘It’s nothing/not a big deal.’ ‘You’ve got to be kidding.’ ‘Are you crazy? I look like a pirate hooker.’

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