Cosmopolitan (India)

My guy asked me to use “some teeth” on him during oral. Um, won’t this hurt him?


AAh, teeth and penises—mixing the two might be tricky, but you got this. Just remember there’s a difference between a light, sensual graze of your pearly whites and a big old bite. Try “gentle nibbles, using your teeth to tickle his shaft,” suggests Amy Levine, Founder of sex-coaching company Ignite Your Pleasure. “Practice on your hand and you’ll get a good idea of what would be too much on his very sensitive skin,” she says. Oh, and establish a code before you go downtown—have him tap you on the shoulder if your dental adventure crosses the line between pleasure and pain.

I know nipples are supposed to get hard when you’re aroused, but I don’t feel much sensation in mine unless I’m cold. Is something wrong with me?

the nipple shame! “Some women’s nipples are just more sensitive than others,” says Jennifer Wider, MD, author of The Savvy Woman Patient. The hardening of your nipples depends on the nerve sensation in your breasts, which varies from woman to woman. A rare amount of women report nipple tingling so strong, they can actually orgasm from it (nipplegasm!), while others hardly perk up. It’s all good, because your boobs aren’t the only way to get titillated. “Some women get more aroused when they have their feet or the back of their necks touched,” Wider says. Aren’t our bodies the breast! ..........................................................

dating a really great guy, but he kisses like a suction pump. Suggestion­s, please!

he’s Christian Grey himself, you absolutely have a say. “Men love it when a woman takes charge,” says sex and life coach Eric Amaranth. Sweetly, sexily introduce a new smooching style by sliding on top of him and telling him you want to play a little kissing game. Then take turns Frenching each other quickly, sensually, hungrily—whatever moves

 ??  ?? The ceiling mirror was terribly distractin­g
The ceiling mirror was terribly distractin­g

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