Dadavani (English)

Deluding Pleasures of the Prakruti Are a Red Zone of Entrapment on the Path of Liberation

- ~ Jai Sat Chit Anand

jump up to the second standard, or the fourth standard, fi fth standard, or all the way to the matric [10th standard]! As yet, the liberating laughter has not arisen, the tension has not gone. To understand it, is a different thing, but by unnecessar­ily wandering about and jumping around, one regresses and becomes lost. Therefore, why don’t You progress gradually, by remaining in the Agnas! So, remain in the Agnas and nurture the intention of the salvation of the world. There is no telling whether it will be attained in this life or how many more lifetimes it will take to attain it! Why jump about unnecessar­ily!

Leave anything that interferes in the path of liberation and proceed forward. That is considered as following the goal, isn’t it! ‘You’ should not stray away from Your goal, no matter how difficult the circumstan­ce You encounter, You should not stray away from Your goal, that is how it should be.

For you, does it go according to Your goal? Nothing goes off track? It has all become natural and spontaneou­s, has it not?

Questioner: Well, I do have to keep ‘turning the handle’ within.

Dadashri: Do you have to keep turning it? But do the ones within listen to you? Right away?

Questioner: Right away.

Dadashri: Right away, it takes no time, that is good. However much they listen to You, that is the sign of becoming separate. That is the sign that You are separate from them by that much. The Self does not have any ‘bribery’. Where there is ‘bribery’, it [the intellect] does not listen to anything. When You are taking its ‘bribe’, it will not accept Your view. When You derive ‘taste’ from it, then they [anger-pride-deceit-greed] will not listen to You.

This worldly interactio­n will indeed take one in the other [worldly] direction, won’t it! Since time immemorial, that is the one path that has been followed, hasn’t it! Regarding worldly interactio­n, one has formed a habit of that side, hasn’t he! So even when he [file number one] goes towards that side, You have to steer him towards your own goal. If an ox sees the old path it is used to walking on, it will continue to walk down that path. Now You should follow the path according to Your goal. Do not go along any other path. ‘You’ should say, ‘Come this way.’

So if You do not take a ‘bribe’, then they [the ones within] will immediatel­y act according to what You say. But once you take a ‘bribe’, it leads to a beating, it leads to a beating in all matters. Hence, You should not deviate from Your goal.

Questioner: What is that ‘bribe’ like?

Dadashri: One goes and ‘tastes’ it. And upon ‘tasting’ it if he finds it sweet, then he will sit there. After having

‘tasted’ it, he will then drink some more, about one or two bottles. All this is considered a deceptive intent. He wishes to progress according to the goal but he has a deceptive intent; how can the two coexist? He should maintain a pure and clear inner intent without any ‘bribe’. In fact, one has a habit of ‘tasting’ pleasures that delude ( masti), so he sits there and dwells in the deluding pleasures.

Questioner: So is it the masti of the prakruti?

Dadashri: Then what else? One has become habituated only with that, hasn’t he! So You should say, ‘No, now I need to go this way. I don’t want any deluding pleasures. We are going to act according to our goal.’ The deluding pleasures of the prakruti will lead you in a web of entrapment.

That which leads to sabotage of Your goal is Your enemy. How can You afford to have your goal destroyed? Sweetness does arise in thoughts of sexuality, but what can be done? It is a grave liability, isn’t it! Then your goal would become infected, wouldn’t it! Decomposit­ion would begin, wouldn’t it!

Here, you should make your own mind so firm that, ‘ No matter what happens in this life, even at the cost of this body, I want to accomplish some work in this life.’ This much should be decided upon. Then the work will definitely happen on its own. You should decide on what is required for the Self. There should be no laxity on Your part. When all this is available to you, there should be no laxity on Your part.

Now, to Break the Support Is Itself Purusharth

After attaining our Gnan one should experiment on the state of things. On what basis has worldly life existed since time immemorial? The support that has still not been destroyed. So, that support needs to be broken over and over again. The basis on which this world persists, worldly life persists, that support needs to be broken over and over again.

Now, on what basis does this world persist? It is because the [relative, the dischargin­g ego] self becomes engrossed ( tanmayakaa­r) in the phases of the mind, in the temporary states of the mind; that is why worldly life persists. Neither the intellect nor anything else harasses you. In fact, it is because the [relative, the dischargin­g ego] self becomes engrossed in these, that worldly life persists. Therefore, you should keep destroying the phases of the mind. ‘These are not mine, these are not mine’; this is precisely where You have to sit [in the seat as the Self] and continue shaking them up. As You keep destroying them, You become free. It is because of the old practice since time immemorial that one not is able to become free. It is because of the old practice since time immemorial that sweetness prevails for him. That sweetness does not prevail for the pure Soul; it prevails for the ego. So, You should keep breaking it down. Both have to be Seen as separate. They have to be Seen as separate, only then will there be a solution.

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