Dadavani (English)

The World Sustains on Dependency!

- (From Param Pujya Dadashri’s Gnanvani)

Questioner: But Dada, since time immemorial, it has been man’s habit, ‘One can only live with an avalamban (dependency).’

Dadashri: Without an avalamban, man would actually die. To live with an avalamban is known as worldly life ( sansaar). And to live without dependency is known as final liberation ( mukti). Where is the happiness in dependency? Moreover, that [ avalamban] will separate from you, won’t it! The One who is niralumb will attain liberation.

Questioner: But man cannot do without an avalamban, can he?

Dadashri: He cannot.

Questioner: He says, “I cannot live without an avalamban.” If not one, then some other, but an avalamban is indeed needed.

Dadashri: Without Gnan, no one can exist without an avalamban. In fact, at night, when no one is at home, even then externally induced problems will continue to arise in the mind.

Questioner: So then, he reaches out to another avalamban.

Dadashri: He changes the avalamban.

Questioner: What do other people say? Come here, I will do something for you. Dadashri: Hey! There are as many avalamban as one wants. So one keeps on changing them. Otherwise, he ends up saying, “I am ‘dead’ [in deep trouble]!” He takes such avalamban. Hey! Will that bring an end to the problem? Don’t say that, you fool! But even then, he says it. Upon saying so, it does not calm down. Questioner: He feels pacified, consoled.

Dadashri: What is this feeling of pacificati­on for? [He has] Regressed. Whatever progress he had made, that was his developmen­t. Instead that developmen­t has lessened. Alas! He has died even though he is living!

Questioner: Even when he lives with dependency, what changes can be seen in his life? You say that a person living with dependency is congruent to being dead

Dadashri: Neverthele­ss, this entire world is indeed living [on dependency], is it not? The entire world, including the ascetics-renunciate­s ( sadhu-sanyasis), the Self-realized masters ( aacharya); all of them are indeed living with dependency. Nothing can happen without dependency, can it? Sat (the Self) is an element without any dependency ( niralamb vastu). If you try and search for It with an avalamban, then how will you find It? For that, dependency upon the Gnani Purush alone, will help one succeed; because He is the ultimate instrument ( sadhan)! The Self is niralamb!

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