Dadavani (English)

In Siddha Kshetra, the Gneya Reflect Naturally


Questioner: The main properties of the Self is Knowing and Seeing and Swa-par prakashak (that which illuminate­s the Self and the non-Self), so in Siddha Kshetra, how does It See the objects to be known ( gneya) of the universe?

Dadashri: After going to Siddha Kshetra, the Self can see the objects to be known the way they can be seen in a mirror. Those objects to be known are reflected in the Self.

The Self is Swa-par prakashak, It illuminate­s the Self and It also illuminate­s others. So this world is reflected indeed within Itself.

Just as if a mirror were placed here, then you would be visible in it, but it [the reflection] would not see you from the mirror. It is Swa-par prakashak in this way. As It is the Knower, It Sees everything through the illuminati­on ( prakash).

Questioner: Dada had said, “‘We’ saw the entire universe in Gnan,” so that means that You indeed saw it in this way, doesn’t it?

Dadashri: If the Self has come into Its inherent nature as the Self, then It can See everything. However much It comes into Its inherent nature, It Sees that much.

The Absolutely Liberated Souls Can Naturally See the Present

Questioner: But just as with a mirror, one has to do the act of seeing, similarly, in order for the Self to remain as the Knower-Seer, even in Siddha Kshetra, It has to do the act of Seeing, doesn’t It?

Dadashri: No.

Questioner: So can It See everything all at once?

Dadashri: It is the natural and spontaneou­s state, everything can be Seen.

Questioner: Can everything be Seen all at once?

Dadashri: Every single thing can be Seen all at once. Increases and decreases taking place can also be Seen. As night falls, less is Seen on that side. Over here, until six o’clock in the evening, people can be Seen coming and going. Then all these [birds] that are flying and all the animals, all of that can be Seen. Then as night falls, it decreases. Then at midnight, no one is Seen. At three or four in the morning, it’s pitch dark, and the onset [of activity] can be Seen. Then it keeps increasing, that can be Seen. When it increases even more, that can be Seen. Then the gradual decrease can be Seen.

Questioner: Dada, so does It constantly keep Seeing that?

Dadashri: It is Seen, It does not have to ‘keep doing’ the Seeing; it is simply Seen.

Questioner: Is it Seen automatica­lly and naturally?

Dadashri: It is Seen naturally. If It keeps Seeing, then that is Gnan.

Questioner: So if It only has one constant activity, then would It not get bored? ‘It’ just keeps on Seeing! For us, no

matter how beautiful something is, if we had to constantly see it for five minutes, then we would get bored. And there, as per Its inherent nature ( Swabhaav), It has to keep Seeing, as though It were a statue?

Dadashri: This light here, does it keep getting bored of giving off light?

Questioner: No, it doesn’t as such. But it is not as though it is living, is it? It is not as though it is the Self, is it? There is no Self in it. It is inanimate, whereas in the other case, it is the Self. ‘Its’ existence is different.

Dadashri: But It can See naturally, It can See by Its inherent nature.

Questioner: The One who has an existence, that Knower Sees that this is like this, this is like that. If It Sees, then…

Dadashri: When a thief steals, It does not have abhorrence towards him, and when someone donates money, It does not have attachment towards him. If a person is beating someone up, murdering someone, then It Sees that as well. It does not have any attachment or abhorrence towards that, towards anything.

Questioner: If It only Sees the present, then what if It wants to see Lord Krishna?

Dadashri: No, [It Sees] what’s in the present. The past cannot be Seen. ‘It’ does not See anything other than the present.

Questioner: That which is happening.

Dadashri: Only that which is going on can be Seen. ‘We’ too can only See the present, there is no other complicati­on, and ‘we’ also tell you, “Dear fellow, remain in the present.”

Questioner: If It wants to See something from the past by implementi­ng awareness, then is It able to See that?

Dadashri: ‘It’ simply does not have the energy to implement the awareness. That is not Its ‘line’ [role] at all. Does It have any problems with a father-in-law or mother-in-law that It has to worry?

Questioner: So They [the Siddha Lords] keep on Seeing, so do They have vision?

Dadashri: Not this kind of vision; this would feel tiring.

Questioner: So what kind of vision do They have?

Dadashri: ‘They’ don’t have to look at all, it is continuous­ly visible.

Suppose there is a mirror ball; all of us who are sitting here would be visible in it. What strain is put on the mirror ball for that?

Questioner: None at all.

Dadashri: Similarly, They do not have to See anything at all, whatever is to be Seen is continuous­ly Seen within. ‘They’ have Their own infinite Knowledge and infinite Vision and when those are used, the result of that is bliss. It is not the case that first there is bliss and then this. When Their Knowledge and Vision are used, bliss indeed prevails. Bliss prevails for Them naturally. There is nothing besides Knowledge and Vision for Them. The entire form ( Swaroop) is made up of Knowledge and Vision.

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