Dadavani (English)

Dada Prevailed in the Nine Kalams Throughout His Life!


It is due to the current era of the time cycle that people do not have the energy. I have given you only this much to ask for, only these energies that have been listed here. If one nurtures these intentions, then I can guarantee that they will not lose the life-form as a human being in their next life. Otherwise, eighty percent of the current human population will not retain their life-form as a human being. Such are the times.

These Nine Kalams contain the highest of intentions. The entire essence is captured in them. I have been practicing these Nine Kalams my entire life; they are in fact my wealth. So, I have disclosed my daily practices. This is ultimately for the sake of the salvation of the public. These Nine Kalams have been going on within daily, constantly, for so many years, for the past forty years. I now present them to the public.

Questioner: Right now, we say, “Oh Dada Bhagwan, give me the energy.” So, whom did you refer to when you said these Nine Kalams?

Dadashri: It may not have been Dada Bhagwan, there may have been some other

name, but there was definitely a name. I would say them referring only to Him. You can call Him pure Soul or whatever else, but I would say them referring only to Him.

On the Kramik path (traditiona­l step-by-step path of spiritual progress), one reads voluminous scriptures, whereas here [in Akram], it is more than enough to just say these Nine Kalams! So much energy has been placed in the Nine Kalams. There is tremendous energy, but it is not easily understood! It is only when I explain it, that it is understood. The person who comes to me and tells me, “I really like these Nine Kalams,” has actually understood their value. And these Nine Kalams are worth understand­ing.

These Nine Kalams are not in the scriptures. But what ‘we’ [the Gnani Purush] abide by and is always in ‘our’ applicatio­n is what ‘we’ have given you to do. These Kalams have been written according to the way ‘we’ prevail. ‘Our’ conduct is in accordance with the Nine Kalams, neverthele­ss, ‘we’ are not considered God ( Bhagwan). God is verily the One who resides within! Besides, a person cannot conduct himself in this manner.

These Nine Kalams are not to be found anywhere else. Only the fully enlightene­d One ( purna Purush) can write the Nine Kalams. Such a person is very rare! If He is present, then people will attain salvation.

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