Dadavani (English)

There Is No Purusharth in Niyati


Questioner: Has effort ( purusharth) indeed been decided through niyati?

Dadashri: The effort is certainly predetermi­ned through niyati. There is no mistake about it, but one has to exactly understand what niyati is. Just using the word niyati does not mean that one has understood it. One should understand what niyati is.

All embodied souls ( jeev) are constantly moving towards moksha. The effort ( purusharth) of that has been decided through niyati. There is no mistake about that, but humans also possess the energy to make effort in the wrong direction indeed. In the birth as a human, there is ego, and if there were no impediment from that ego, then there would not be any problem. But as there is egoism, it changes even niyati. Everyone except humans are in niyati. Only for humans there is no effort in niyati.

Questioner: Are you saying that in humans, effort is not decided through niyati?

Dadashri: It is decided. But because of having ego, one then has egoism. Egoism is contrary to niyati. Egoism is not possible in niyati. Do you ever see someone expressing egoism anywhere?

Questioner: The ego is allpervadi­ng, isn’t!

Dadashri: No, it is in humans alone. The ego does not exist anywhere else. The ego you see elsewhere [in life-forms other than the human life-form] is ego that is discharge ego, whereas here, you see both the charge and discharge ego. Here, in the human life-form, one is able to bind karma, that is the charge [capacity to charge new karma] ego. And the result that one has to suffer from it is [suffered by] the discharge ego. And other than humans, in all other life-forms, there is discharge ego. Here, there is both charge and discharge ego. When both egos leave, then one becomes free.

Questioner: So that proves that it [ niyati] can be changed if one gets rid of the ego, doesn’t it?

Dadashri: Yes, if one gets rid of the ego, then he can change it. He can change everything.

Questioner: Is it predetermi­ned for the ego, that it will leave only at a fixed time?

Dadashri: No, it is not like that. If the circumstan­ces come together, the scientific circumstan­tial evidence, for example, just as you have met me, I can get rid of your ego within one hour. So it depends on the circumstan­ces. If the circumstan­ces come together, then the work will be accomplish­ed. Progress as the Self ( Purusharth) arises after One becomes the Self ( Purush). When the egoism leaves, when the egoism leaves up to a certain extent, when the egoism that causes obstructio­n to anyone leaves, when such egoism leaves, that is when real Purusharth begins.

It is indeed the circumstan­ces that make one do everything. The control is not in one’s own hands and yet he says, ‘I am doing it.’ Now, if there were no ‘I-ness’, then there would be no doership ( kartabhaav). If the awareness, if the ego of ‘I am doing it’ were not there, then niyati would take one to moksha.

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