Dadavani (English)

Charging Happens Due to Egoism, Dischargin­g Is Done by Nature


Questioner: ‘The ego binds karma and nature releases it.’ Please explain this.

Dadashri: Neither the pudgal (nonSelf complex) nor the Self bind karma. If the pudgal were to bind karma, then the pudgal of the Gnani Purush would also be able to bind karma. And if the Self were to bind karma, then there is the Self in Him too, but He doesn’t bind karma. The ego binds karma. As long as the ego is there, karma will keep getting bound. Once the ego is gone, the doer of the karma is gone, so the karma will be gone. After the karma are bound, nature, vyavasthit shakti, makes him free from them. You may eat food, but how is it disposed of? The disposal is in the hands of vyavasthit. If you have eaten spoiled food, then it would ultimately have to be disposed of by giving you diarrhea, wouldn’t it? Does vyavasthit have a choice?

Vyavasthit isn’t something that is cast in stone. Vyavasthit has been arranged exactly according to the causes you have bound. Vyavasthit is dependent upon one’s own causes. Past actions do not yield a direct result, but they are fed into nature, where other circumstan­ces mix with them; and whatever combinatio­n is naturally created, whatever formation is naturally created, the effect will be accordingl­y.

Nature is indeed your own ‘photo’. Nature is not crooked, you are crooked!

It is under your control to charge [karma], and it is under nature’s control to discharge it. Therefore, if you want to charge [karma], then charge the right kind. Nature will not refrain from dischargin­g what you have charged.

Everything that the entire world is doing is indeed the discharge of nature. Then whether you chant God’s name, do penance, it is all the discharge of nature. If someone brings flowers, then how is he beneficial to you? And if someone picks your pocket, then how is he non-beneficial to you? One is instrument­al in charging and then the discharge is done only by nature. This is the ultimate view of the Vitaraag (absolutely detached) Lords!

Questioner: It is said that nature is never perfect, it is imperfect.

Dadashri: Nature is perfect and for that reason, it constantly changes. If it were imperfect, then it wouldn’t change. Nature is constantly changing in order to keep every living being at peace and to help them develop. If nature were to stop for even a little bit, then nature is not developed. It has not stopped at all in the past and it won’t stop in the future, it keeps changing constantly. Nature is so perfect that if there is heavy rain falling

everywhere in the African jungles and it also rains in India, but three years later, there will inevitably be a drought. This is because nature maintains its control where there are egotistica­l people; if it rains heavily for ten years and the crops grow bountifull­y, then they would stab and kill people. Therefore, nature keeps them in place. It indeed keeps those with egoism in check by striking a blow at them and those people in Africa whose egoism is not extensive and has not developed yet receive plenty of rain. Thus, nature is perfect. Nature is indeed doing God’s work. However, you don’t maintain that nature is the doer and you end up expressing egoism. If there is no egoism involved, then nature is very beautiful. The problem is with the ego.

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