Dadavani (English)

Pride That Results in Total Loss


Pride should not be such that the future result of it is insult. Its result should also be of pride.

I will give you a gross example of this. Suppose you are sent [by your wife] to buy vegetables. Now, you have five rupees to buy vegetables, but then you come across an old friend. Now, he has not had tea yet, so he tells Chandubhai [reader should substitute his/her name here], “We’ll have to get a cup of tea today. Let’s go have some tea.” So he urges you and for the sake of your pride, you end up spending two to two and a half rupees on tea for him. Now, your wife who is at home had asked you to buy vegetables worth four rupees. So what can be done? What answer will you give her when you go home? So, on the contrary, for the sake of pride, you have invited insults. So once you reach home, you get plenty of insults. She scolds you a lot, and on top of that, fear sets in. Did you understand this gross example? Now I will explain the subtle matter.

Questioner: Yes.

Dadashri: Until now, you have fed your pride just like in this gross [example]. What should pride be like? Dada receives respect, but he does not get insult in return. He receives great respect in return. This is because one should only accept the cash note that is genuine. What kind?

Questioner: Yes, one should accept the cash note that is genuine.

Dadashri: Yes, and suppose he accepts a counterfei­t note and then uses it up, but the result of that counterfei­t note remains. The person [you gave the counterfei­t note to] will kick up a fuss in the morning, “Give me my money back.” Now, you used it up last night, for the sake of a little respect. You took everyone to see a movie. And when that other person spoke to you, you felt insulted. This is considered madness. This is found everywhere. It is on account of this very madness that the entire world has become mad. We don’t even want such respect, this is considered pride that results in total loss. What kind is it? It eventually results in total loss. Does it result in total loss or not?

Questioner: Yes, it definitely does!

Dadashri: Yes. If you step out to buy vegetables and you end up spending some money [on a friend], then that is considered pride that results in total loss, isn’t it?

Questioner: It definitely results in total loss.

Dadashri: So you should accept money that is genuine. Similarly, make do without feeding the pride.

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