Dadavani (English)

The Characteri­stics of the Beggary for Respect


Questioner: I recognize that I still want respect.

Dadashri: There is no problem with wanting respect, but are you preoccupie­d with receiving respect?

Questioner: No, that kind of preoccupat­ion does not remain.

Dadashri: And what if you do not get respect?

Questioner: Then there is no problem.

Dadashri: Then there is no problem with that.

Questioner: But what if the intense greed for pride sets in?

Dadashri: Yes, that intense greed ( laalach) is there too. That itself is intense greed! ‘ We’ refer to that as beggary ( bheekh) for respect.

The desire ( kaamna) for respect is itself considered beggary. The desire for anything is considered beggary. Desire and beggary are not considered to be discharge [in Akram Vignan]. Desire and beggary are closely related words. However, if there is no movement in that direction ( upayog) then nothing will affect [You]. Therefore, this path [of liberation] is not obstructed. But the one engaged in beggary is considered to have taken another path.

What have ‘we’ said? There is no problem if you do not like insults, but do not have beggary for respect.

Questioner: But do we not have to get rid of this weakness of the fear of insults?

Dadashri: As you keep digesting insults, the weakness of [reacting to] an insult will continue to decrease. However many you had given out will be returned. The problem lies with the beggary for respect.

Questioner: What does it mean to be preoccupie­d with not wanting to be insulted?

Dadashri: A proud person’s awareness stays applied in pride. It is considered beggary when one is constantly attentive towards not being insulted, and keeps protecting the self.

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