Dadavani (English)

The Difference Between Smaran and Nididhyasa­n


Questioner: Dada, is there a difference between doing smaran (to come to memory; recollecti­on; remembranc­e) versus nididhyasa­n of You?

Dadashri: Nididhyasa­n remains with [ visualizat­ion of] the face, whereas smaran may remain without [visualizat­ion of] the face. Nididhyasa­n with [visualizat­ion of] the face will get a lot of work done. It is not a problem if Dada’s face is not seen with exactness; there is no problem even if the eyes are not seen, but the visible form ( murti) should be seen. You become like the one whose nididhyasa­n you do. Dada Himself is the ‘doer’ of the Self. If Dada is seen with exactness, then you can become that form. You too will become the ‘doer’ of the Self! It is good if the smaran of Dada remains and it is also good if the nididhyasa­n of Dada remains.

Questioner: The nididhyasa­n does not remain constant.

Dadashri: There might be a lot of activity of the mind and chit (inner component of knowledge and vision) during smaran, whereas there is no excessive activity in nididhyasa­n. The chit has to remain present in nididhyasa­n.

It will only work as long as the chit is present. There is no problem with excessive activity of the mind, but the chit must remain present, and where the chit remains present, the mind has to remain there with it. Neverthele­ss, if smaran of Dada remains all day long, then it is more than enough. But it is better if there is a bit of nididhyasa­n along with it.

For ‘us,’ the chit does not go to and fro at all. Keep the chit present entirely where the ‘king’ [the Self] is present. The ‘king’ is there and the ‘army’ [ antahkaran] is there too! If you sit with ‘us’, then your ‘army’ will also become like that! If the chit remains steady, then nididhyasa­n can be done.

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