Dadavani (English)

When Dada Is Visible, That Is Nididhyasa­n


Questioner: When Dada is visible, all of that is indeed considered nididhyasa­n, isn’t it?

Dadashri: Yes, when He is visible, that itself is nididhyasa­n. When the eyes are closed, Dada is visible, Simandhar Swami is visible, Lord Mahavir is visible.

Questioner: Dada, They have never been visible in this way. Even Dada has never become visible. So I can’t see any of Them. To this day, I have not been able to see anything at all. I was unable to see anything even before taking Gnan.

Dadashri: How would you be able to see anything before taking Gnan? Before taking Gnan, all you have is your memory power.

Questioner: No, even after taking Gnan I cannot see anything at all, Dada.

Dadashri: We are able to understand this after you have told us this. All these people have understood.

Questioner: Everyone has understood, but I should also be able to experience it, shouldn’t I?

Dadashri: What is he saying? Like a film [movie], everything must be seen just as it is when a film is playing. How can that film be brought here [in this manner of nididhyasa­n]?

Today he opened up by saying, “I was able to see it. I came to know about it.” It is inevitable that it will be seen, isn’t it! It is inevitable that it will be known and seen, isn’t it! There may be more or less of it at times.

Questioner: But Dada, I came to know about it, but everyone says, “I can see the exact face, I can visualize the entire situation.” So what is the difference?


Dadashri: No, no, do not say that

Questioner-2: Right now, I am able to see Dada when I close my eyes.

Dadashri: Of course you can see Him! Everyone is able to see Him. This person can also see Him, but he is not able to understand, is he!

Questioner-2: Is it possible that

one is able to see Dada, but he does not realize it?

Dadashri: How would he be able to realize this? What he realized just now, he hasn’t even been able to know that!

Questioner-2: As it is, when I close my eyes and remember any other person, then I can see a photo of that person.

Dadashri: This person can also see that. But he just mentioned that when he comes to know about an incident, he is unable to understand who is Knowing it, who is the Knower, and what is the object to be known; so he is not able to fit [the pieces] together. Who is it who Knows these things? Is there a third person within? Who is it?

Questioner- 2: One ( pote; the developing I) becomes the Self and the Self indeed Knows.

Dadashri: The Self is indeed the One Knowing. And It Knows the objects to be known. Whatever incident happens within, it is the object to be known ( gneya) and This [the Self] is the Knower ( Gnata). In search of the absolute Light of Knowledge and Vision ( param jyoti swaroop), the people of this world [in the state of ignorance] look for light on the outside. Hey mortal one, there is no such light or darkness, there is nothing there at all. ‘It’ seems like a new world altogether!

On what basis are you saying, “Dada, your body currently looks like this; your fingers were not like this yesterday, yet they appear rather dark in color today”?

Questioner-2: It is because what has been seen previously now appears changed; so one is able to realize that this change has taken place.

Dadashri: That verily is nididhyasa­n.

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