Dadavani (English)

With an Hour of Nididhyasa­n, One’s Spiritual Work Gets Done


Questioner: In what form should Dada’s nididhyasa­n remain?

Dadashri: In whatever form Dada remains in the awakened awareness ( laksh). It does not matter what form it is. In terms of form, if it remains in the form of nididhyasa­n, then it will get the work done very well. However, it will not remain to a great extent, a person does not have that kind of capacity. It can remain for forty- five minutes, an hour, for ten minutes or half an hour, but a person does not have that kind of capacity. Otherwise, it would get one’s [spiritual] work done, wouldn’t it! Every day, for one hour, if this much can be seen as a part of nididhyasa­n then one’s work would indeed get done!

Questioner: What if we can see Dada very well whenever we converse?

Dadashri: That is fi ne, but that is not considered as nididhyasa­n. That is natural, you can see Him easily. For nididhyasa­n, Purusharth (Real spiritual effort to progress as the Self) needs to be done. Some people say, “While doing your nididhyasa­n, we cannot see your face, we can only see this much.” I tell them, “However much you can see, consider it to be whole. There is no problem if you see more or less, but Dada’s face should be visible.” Who shows more or less? The intellect causes interferen­ce in between. In a dream, there is no intellect, so it shows things very well. The intellect does not interfere in a dream; this is because the intellect falls asleep when one falls asleep. Thus, there is no interferen­ce. Right now, there will be interferen­ce since you are awake. In a dream, Dada is seen in exactness. You continue becoming like the one you worship.

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