Dadavani (English)

The Nididhyasa­n of the Gnani Is Itself Swaparinat­i


Questioner: We all have a dependency ( avalamban) on Dada, what about that?

Dadashri: The dependency that you have on Dada, it is actually not of this Dada. Meaning, He is indeed your own Self. That is why Krupaludev has said that as long as you have not Seen the Self in exactness; in exactness meaning that the conviction ( pratiti) is there, the belief ( shraddha) is there, but it has not yet manifested in exactness; until then, the Gnani Purush is indeed one’s own Self. This is not considered to be a dependency. That is why we say, “Hey! Keep recalling Dada and Your [spiritual] work will get done.” This is a wonder of this era of the time cycle! It is the eleventh wonder!

Dada Bhagwan is the Knowledge that leads to Swaparinat­i (the natural state of the Self)! And if it were any other God, then parparinat­i (to believe ‘I am doing’ in what are the results of the nonSelf) would arise. Who do we refer to as Dada Bhagwan? It is to the One who has manifested within. So that is the main thing, that is Swaparinat­i.

Dada Bhagwan is not an instrument or a dependency, rather He is indeed One’s own form. Your own Real form is itself Dada Bhagwan. If this were a dependency, then there would inevitably be parparinat­i. This is not a dependency, therefore it is Swaparinat­i. This happens very rarely. This is true for the Tirthankar

Lords (the absolutely enlightene­d Lords who can liberate others). This is because They do not have ego, do They! Whereas the Gnanis of the Kramik path still have ego, thus parparinat­i remains. Dependency upon them and nididhyasa­n of them is considered parparinat­i, whereas this gives rise to Swaparinaa­m (result as the Self).

Questioner: You say that the Gnani Purush is indeed your own Self. So if nididhyasa­n of Him remains constantly, then is that considered Swaparinat­i?

Dadashri: Yes, that is called Swaparinat­i.

And when Dada is on your mind all the time, that is referred to as Atma ramanta (to be absorbed in the Self). The Gnani Purush is One’s own Self. So, it will still take some time for You to actually understand the original Self ( mool Atma), however, when You engage in the ramanata (absorption) of the Gnani Purush, when You can envision him walking around in front of your eyes, then what more do You need! What else do You need?

When nididhyasa­n of Dada is done, then the attributes that are found in Dada will manifest within you.

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