Dadavani (English)

Maintain a Clear Mind Towards That Which Is Disliked


When that which is not liked is endured with a clear mind, that is when You will begin to become vitaraag (free from attachment and abhorrence).

Questioner: What does a clear mind mean?

Dadashri: A clear mind means that no negative thoughts arise for the other person. That means that one does not ‘bite’ [blame] the nimit (an apparent doer who is simply instrument­al in the process). Perhaps a bad thought may arise for the other person, yet one immediatel­y does pratikrama­n (an exact method of reversal from hurting another living being by confession to the Lord within, apology, and resolution to not repeat the mistake), and washes it off.

Questioner: For the mind to become clear is actually a matter that pertains to the ultimate stage, isn’t it? And as long as it does not become completely clear, pratikrama­n has to be done, doesn’t it?

Dadashri: Yes. That’s true, however, it may have become clear for some matters, and it may not have become clear for other matters. These are all ‘steppings’ [stepping stones]. Pratikrama­n needs to be done where it has not become clear.

From the very beginning itself, ‘we’ would think over each and every word in this world. Previously, even though ‘we’ did not have Gnan, due to vipul mati ( the highest level of intellectu­al developmen­t), the moment something was said, its meaning would immediatel­y become clear, it would be analyzed from all aspects. When something is said, its essence is immediatel­y extracted, that is referred to as vipul mati. No one actually has vipul mati! ‘Ours’ in fact, has turned out to be an exceptiona­l case! In the world, when can one be considered to have vipul mati? When one has intellect ( mati) that can adjust everywhere. Instead, one boils and cooks that which was to be cut and left raw, and that which was to be boiled and cooked, one cuts it and

leaves it raw; so how is it be possible to adjust? Neverthele­ss, one should adjust everywhere.

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