Dadavani (English)

The Speech of the Kevali and the Tirthankar Lords


Questioner: Regarding the speech of a common Kevali and that of a Tirthankar Lord, what is the difference between both of them?

Dadashri: There is a lot of difference. The speech of the Tirthankar Lord has many special characteri­stics ( atishay), while the Kevali’s speech is four degrees superior to mine. Instead of three hundred and fifty-six degrees, if I reach three hundred and sixty degrees, then my speech would be exactly like that of a Kevali. However, a Kevali does not bring about salvation for anyone. ‘He’ attains the realizatio­n of His own Self, but He does not impart Self-realizatio­n to others. Except for a Tirthankar Lord or a bhed Vignani (a spiritual Scientist who has the experienti­al Knowledge to separate the Self and the non-Self), no one else imparts it to others.

Questioner: Upon attaining keval Gnan, can the body remain after a certain amount of time has passed?

Dadashri: It remains very well. Where can it go? One becomes free of the body when the lifespan-determinin­g karma ( ayushya karma) exhausts. Lord Mahavir had attained keval Gnan at the age of about forty-two years. Then He lived to the age of seventy-two. So, those thirty years were spent to complete His own lifespan-determinin­g karma. There is no choice, is there! It will not let you go, will it! It is a kind of bondage. Why do we maintain the intent of having a long lifespan? It is for the salvation of the people, the world. It is not for the sake of worldly pleasures; it is for the salvation of others and yourself!

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