Dadavani (English)

Dada’s Vidhis Are Done in Niyam


Questioner: Dada, is the niyam (activity carried out in accordance with fixed discipline and resolve) you have set for [doing vidhis] being maintained even right now?

Dadashri: It is ongoing. One should definitely be in niyam. Even when there is a fever, ‘we’ are still in niyam.

‘Our’ niyam is ongoing even right now. ‘We’ never fail to follow ‘our’ niyam. ‘We’ have not obtained it from anyone; ‘we’ have set the niyam.

Questioner: What kind of niyam are they?

Dadashri: If you have decided on certain things, such as ‘I want to do the Nine Kalams or the Charan Vidhi,’ those are all niyam. Whatever it may be, you should remain in that niyam. “I definitely want to do this much, regardless of what happens. Whether the wedding takes place or the wedding is called off, I definitely want to do this much.”

Questioner: Dada, what is the difference between niyam and routine?

Dadashri: Routine is considered to be without awareness, it is mechanical. Routine means mechanical and niyam is with awareness.

Questioner: Is niyam not mechanical?

Dadashri: Niyam cannot be considered [mechanical] at all.

Questioner: So that means that what is mechanical is routine, and that which is not mechanical is niyam.

Dadashri: Yes, yes, but if he is doing it and it happens mechanical­ly, then it is regarded as routine. That is why Shrimad Rajchandra [Self-realized Gnani Purush who lived between 1867-1901. He is also known as Krupaludev] has said, “Oh Lord! Oh Lord! What can I say, oh merciful protector, I am a receptacle of infinite faults, oh compassion­ate One!” [But when someone sings this rapidly,] It is considered routine, and in niyam, he understand­s what he is singing. Even if two

sentences have become routine, he bears in mind that these two sentences have become routine; that is considered niyam.

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