Dadavani (English)

There Is This Much Difference Between a Gnani and God


Questioner: I do not understand who is the Gnani and who is Dada Bhagwan within you.

Dadashri: The one who speaks the sentences of Gnan is referred to as the Gnani in worldly interactio­ns. And without the presence of the One who has manifested within, the sentences of Gnan would not come forth at all. The One who has manifested within is Dada Bhagwan. ‘We’ too want to attain that state and so ‘we’ too bow down to Dada Bhagwan. At times, ‘we’ remain one ( abheda) with, absorbed in ( tanmaya) Dada Bhagwan. And while speaking, the God within is separate and I am separate! At times, I am one with Dada Bhagwan, I remain absorbed. And while speaking, the Bhagwan within is separate, and I am separate! So for whatever time ‘we’ remain one with God, whenever there is a sense of oneness, for that much time ‘we’ are in the Absolute form; however, when ‘we’ speak, there is separation [with the God within].

Questioner: But Dada, what is the difference between the Gnani and God ( Bhagwan)?

Dadashri: The difference between the Gnani and God is that the Gnani can understand everything, He can also See everything, but He is not able to Know everything. The one you see here is a Patel from the town of Bhadran, whereas ‘we’ are the Gnani Purush and Dada Bhagwan is different, He is the absolute Self!

For ‘ us’, the 360 degrees [ of Knowledge] did not become complete and they stopped at 356 degrees. That is why the separation remains between the Lord [who has manifest within] and I. And had I completed the 360 degrees, then the two of us would have become one. But now this separation remains. This is because such a nimit (an apparent doer who is simply an instrument in the process) must have been necessary to do the work of salvation of people, that is why this separation remains.

When ‘ we’ speak, ‘ we’ are not engrossed in that speech, ‘we’ are beyond the speech. If ‘we’ were engrossed in the speech, then ‘we’ would end up changing the very next minute, but ‘we’ do not change.

‘We’ does not refer to this physical body that is visible; that is not who ‘we’ are. ‘We’ are not the owner of what you see here. Nor do ‘we’ have the title [of ownership] of that. ‘ We’ are not the owner of the mind, speech, or body. The ‘we’ refers to Dada Bhagwan. At certain stages, ‘we’ are Dada Bhagwan, and in other stages, ‘we’ are the Gnani. The One who gives the explanatio­ns to questions is the Gnani. And when these discussion­s take place in satsang (spiritual discourse), I have to remain

as the Gnani; otherwise, I am able to remain one [ with the Lord within]. Thus, I am able to remain both ways, with separation ( bhedabhaav­e) and with oneness ( abhedabhaa­ve). Whereas the absolute vitaraag Lords remained only as the absolute Self ( abhinnbhaa­ve). ‘ We’ have that much deficiency that this much separation remains [with the Lord within].

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