Deccan Chronicle

Byreddy launches fast

T-leaders suspect TD chief’s hand behind deeksha


Stirring up a controvers­y, Telugu Desam leader Byreddy Rajasekhar Reddy launched his four-day ‘ Rayalaseem­a Melukolupu' deeksha on Saturday in Kurnool, demanding a separate Rayalaseem­a if Telangana is carved out as a state.

“Either the state should be united or trifurcate­d,” he said.

Mr Reddy’s deeksha comes close on the heels of the Centre’s decision to provide special status to six backward districts in Karnataka bordering the Telangana region, and speculatio­n about an imminent decision on statehood for Telangana.

Quick to condemn the deeksha, Congress and TRS leaders from Telangana region alleged that it was scripted and mastermind­ed by TD chief N. Chandrabab­u Naidu derail the T-process.

Mr Reddy, who launched the deeksha after performing milk abhisekham to the statue of Sri Krishna Devaraya at Kurnool, remarked, “We are not opposed to Telangana. Let them have their own state. (But) why should they oppose Rayalaseem­a, which is the most back-

to ward region in the state and worse than Somalia?”

Denying allegation­s that his party chief was behind the deeksha, he said the people of Rayalaseem­a have to protect themselves if Telangana is separated from AP. “If the Centre decides to bifurcate AP, Rayalaseem­a should also be made a separate state. Those who talk about

If the Centre decides to bifurcate AP, Rayalaseem­a should also be made a separate state. Those who talk about Rayala-Telangana are maniacs

 ??  ?? Mr Rajasekhar Reddy blows a conch signalling the start of his deeksha for Rayalaseem­a in Kurnool on Saturday.— DC
Mr Rajasekhar Reddy blows a conch signalling the start of his deeksha for Rayalaseem­a in Kurnool on Saturday.— DC

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