Deccan Chronicle

OU teachers want V-C to apologise, promise safety


The Osmania University Teachers' Associatio­n (OUTA) on Monday demanded that OU ViceChance­llor Prof S. Satyanaray­ana tender an unconditio­nal apology to professors for the recent incident in which a student manhandled a professor over a disagreeme­nt on Ph.D. admission.

It said the professors will not obstruct the Ph.D. admissions process if the V-C gives a clear-cut assurance that he will take concrete measures to prevent such incidents from recurring.

OUTA also demanded that the V-C constitute a committee with senior professors to look into such disputes between

We will not come in the way of Ph.D. admissions. We urge the V-C to take measures to provide security to teachers –– B. Satyanaray­ana

OUTA president

teachers and students.

OUTA said since the incident happened in the presence of the V-C, in his chambers, it is the moral responsibi­lity of the V-C to tender an unconditio­nal apology to the teaching community to create confidence among them.

“We will not come in the way of Ph.D. admissions and the university can go ahead with the process. We urge the V-C to take measures to provide security to teachers and create conductive academic atmosphere for smooth functionin­g of the university,” said OUTA president B. Satyanaray­ana.

He said the professors are concerned with the safety, security and dignity of the teachers and the image of the university.

Prof Satyanaray­ana said it was the moral responsibi­lity of the V-C to protect teachers in the university. Instead of creating confidence among teachers, the V-C is unnecessar­ily prolonging the issue by throwing blame on the teachers. This will demoralise the teachers further, Prof Satyanaray­ana added.

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