Deccan Chronicle

BJP, RSS ‘promote’ terror, says Shinde


Union home minister Sushilkuma­r Shinde stoked a fresh controvers­y on Sunday by accusing the BJP and the RSS of “conducting terror training camps” and promoting “Hindu terror”, setting off an angry reaction from saffron leaders, who demanded an apology from Congress president Sonia Gandhi.

“On the one hand, we’re trying to bring peace in this country. We’re also taking steps against injustice to minorities, also against infiltrati­on. But in the midst of this, we have an investigat­ion report that be it the RSS or the BJP, their training camps are promoting Hindu terrorism. We are keeping a strict vigil on all this,” Mr Shinde said at the AICC meeting here.

BJP on Sunday reacted strongly to Union home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde accusing it and RSS of fanning Hindu terrorism, dismissing it as baseless and malicious and demanding an apology from him.

Speaking to reporters at Hindu Chaitanya Sibiram near ANU campus in Guntur district, senior BJP leader M. Venkaiah Naidu said the Congress policies are the main reason for growing terrorism, religious difference­s in the country.

He demanded an apology from Mr Shinde for making derogatory comments against RSS.

In another sharp reaction, BJP spokespers­on Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said, in New Delhi, “Their (Congress’) destructiv­e mindset is reflected in the home minister’s statement... ( It) is very objectiona­ble... not only unacceptab­le but dangerous.”

However, Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh in Jaipur, defended the minister, saying, “It is not Hindu terrorism, but Sanghbacke­d terrorism... I am 100 per cent with Shinde on this.” Mr Shinde's comments will set the tone in the upcoming state polls.

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