Deccan Chronicle

Queen of clubs

The face of women’s golf in India, Sharmila Nicollet, who has Telugu roots, aims to go places. Literally


Think women’s golf in India and the image that’s instantly conjured up is that of Sharmila Nicollet, the vivacious diva who is making her way up the sport’s ladder. It was a sort of homecoming for the vivacious 21-year-old, who was in Hyderabad as a part of the Audi Quattro Cup amateur golf tournament. Here’s something not many people know about the Bengaluru-based Sharmila — she has a Telugu connection.

“My mother’s from Andhra and my dad’s French. Not many people know that about me,” Sharmila said, a sudden smile lighting up her face. “I can speak Telugu — well, not exactly speak, I can understand all of it and maybe respond in bits and pieces — Tamil, Kannada, Urdu, Hindi and French, I love learning languages.”

When asked to say something in Telugu, she manages to say, albeit haltingly, “Ela unnavu? ( How are you?)” A hint of self deprecatio­n creeps into that smile.

“It’s my first time in the city and I already like it. I’ll make sure I come back and spend some time here,” Sharmila said, looking around at the green expanses of the Boulder Hills Golf & Country Club at Gachibowli in Hyderabad, before adding, “And I really need to play some golf here.”

As a kid, Sharmila was always inclined towards sports. “I was a state-level swimmer, I played basketball, tennis and tried horse-riding for fun. Then, when I was 11, I started golf. I won my first tournament at 15 and never looked back,” she said.

“I was also a good student. My mom was very encouragin­g and she said I could choose golf or studies. So I had to make a life-changing decision at the young age of 15 (laughs). I obviously chose golf.”

She’s a self-confessed shutterbug, and is crazy about cars. “I have a Canon 550 and I have as much fun with it as I can. I also love modified cars, and have one myself. I got excited when Audi gave me this opportunit­y. Whenever I play on the Ladies’ European Tour, I rent an Audi and drive on the autobahns. That’s a different kind of adrenaline rush.”

She also likes listening to music, watches a lot of TV shows and loves travelling. “I’m just like any 21-year-old, well, maybe not every other 21-yearold, I can’t do that. But I try.”

Six days a week, Sharmila gets up at 6 am for yoga practice. “I wake up at 6 am, and listen to some hard rock, that wakes me up instantly (laughs).” She then hits the greens for seven hours of golf practice.

For the next few months, Sharmila will play on the Indian tour, which, by her own admission, can improve a lot. “There’s a severe lack of sponsors in India. I know of many girls who are unable to turn pro because of this. You can’t get far in golf without backing.”

The solution? A game-changer. “Take Saina Nehwal. She single-handedly changed the face of badminton in India. We need someone like Saina in golf and I hope to be that person.”

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